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There's arms around me when I wake up, holding me gently. There's a soft humming in my ear and it tickles a distant memory that I can't quite catch. Soft fingers dance across my skin, tracing shapes.

"Good morning," Elias says gently, kissing the top of my head. "How'd you sleep?"

"Surprisingly well," I groan as I stretch. I'd always had a hard time sleeping with someone else in the room, and it was nearly impossible when they were in the same bed. I roll over and look at her, "you?"

She smiles, "pretty good considering you hogged all the blankets."

"It's my bed," I joke. My hand goes up and caresses her cheek as I raise up to kiss her. How someone can taste of rain and sunshine is beyond me, but it's easily my favorite flavor now.

She kisses me gently, sweetly, like we have all the time in the world, which I suppose we do. Her lips are soft and occasionally her canine will graze my lower lip, sending a shiver through me.

My hand goes from her face to her chest and then slowly sinks lower until my hand wraps around her dick. She gasps against my lips as I slowly stroke her and I smirk lightly at how quickly she gets hard just from my touch.

"Natasha," she moans against me.

"Elios," I say softly, feeling her shudder. Does she get that much pleasure just from me saying her name? "Do you like it when I call you that, Elios?"

"Keep saying it and find out," she gasps.

I keep stroking her, my fingers holding her firmly, "Elios," I say slowly, practically moaning her name.

"Fuck," she gasps. "Mou éleipse to ángigma sou."
(I have missed your touch)

"Greek?" I ask as I continue to work her dick. Of all the languages I've learned, unfortunately Greek wasn't one of them.

"Greek.. Demigod," she groans out, breathing heavily.

"Say something else," I order her. "I don't understand it but it's sexy."

"Eísai i kardiá kai i psychí mou. I anása sta pnevmónia mou kai i fotiá stis fléves mou. Eísai ta pánta mou, o thisavrós tis zoís mou, i monadikí mou alithiní agápi. Se agapó aiónes kai se agápo akóma."

(You are my heart and soul. The breath in my lungs and the fire in my veins. You are my everything, the treasure of my life, my one true love. I have loved you for eons and I love you still.)

She spoke with a passion, her eyes burning into mine as if she was telling the secrets of the universe. It was beyond sexy and I couldn't stop myself as I threw a leg over her and slid myself onto her dick, making her moan and buck up into me.

Her hands go to my hips and mine to her chest as I start to ride her. She watches me, her lips slightly apart as I slide myself along her length, her blue eyes so bright they look as if they are glowing.

My own eyes start to close but she says, "look at me when you cum Natasha."

My eyes snap open and her eyes are right there, two deep pools that stare directly in my soul. Her eyes never leave mine as I continue to ride her. Pressure builds in my stomach as I breathe quickly and I struggle to keep my eyes on hers.

I gasp as her dick suddenly feels like it has ridges on it, each one hitting that sensitive spot inside me. "What... is that?" I ask between gasps.

She smirks, "a gift for my good girl. Do you like it?"

"Mmm yes," I moan as I ride her faster.

"Say it," she demands.

"I like.. your dick," I gasp out. "I like.. you.. inside me."

Elysium (Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now