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A week later was one of the rare days that Elias had band practice and couldn't spend the day with me. I'd almost forgotten that she was in a band until she brought it up again. Of course she'd asked me to go but I'd adamantly declined. No matter how hot I thought she was playing her drums, watching band practice was not my idea of a good time.

So after a quick kiss I was officially alone for the day.

I go to my laptop and open it up for the first time in weeks. I hadn't even realized it had been that long until the live stream loaded and I see Yelena in a nursery rocking a baby. I lean in as close as I can to the screen, desperately trying to see my niece.

Almost like Yelena knows what I'm doing, she shifts the baby and I can see her better, "that's better isn't it little Natasha?" Yelena coos to her daughter. "Yes, now you can see the world."

"You do know that she can only see blurry blobs, right?" Kate asks as she comes into frame with a bottle that she hands to Yelena.

Yelena gives her a grin, "that's just what she wants you to think. Look at her eyes, how they watch everything."

Kate smiles fondly at Yelena, "if you say so." They are quiet for a moment as little Natasha eats and then Kate says, "don't forget that Clint is coming over today."

Yelena groans, "does he have to?"

"He's my friend Lenny, and he loved your sister. Please be nice to him," Kate begs as she puts a hand on Yelena's arm. "For me?"

Yelena sighs and nods, "for you I will be civil."

"Thank you," Kate tells her gratefully.

I block out what they say next as I get lost in my thoughts. Why does Yelena hate Clint so much? He was basically family. Hell, even his kids called me Auntie Nat. He'd been the one person that I'd told about Yelena and he'd been so happy and excited to meet her but it was never the right time and then the Blip happened..

And then it clicks. Yelena blames Clint for my death.

I sigh and look back at the screen, "oh little sister. It wasn't his fault."

If Yelena wanted to blame anyone she should blame me. I fought Clint to the literal death for that damn stone. It had never been his fault, he'd tried to stop me.

I watch Yelena walk out of the nursery and the image changes to the living room where Clint was already waiting with Kate.

I almost don't recognize him.

He looks.. old. Old and tired, like he'd been through hell and back. And as I watch Yelena interact with him I suddenly understand why he has so many gray hairs. While she is technically being civil to him, her disdain for him is palpable as she reluctantly hands him her daughter.

"She's beautiful," he tells her as he situates her in his arms.

"She is strong and smart," Yelena tells him angrily. "Those come before beautiful."

"Easy little sister," I mumble at her as my worry for Clint grows. I don't think that either Kate or Clint realize that Yelena could kill him and get the baby out of his arms before his body even starts to fall. And with the way her hand is twitching I'd say Clint is a few seconds away from a full blown fight.

"Yelena," Kate warns as she also notices Yelena's twitch. "You promised."

"It's alright Kate," Clint tells her as he passes the baby over. "I've got to get going anyway. Laura and the kids are meeting me in the city."

"Are you sure?" Kate asks, disappointment filling her voice.

He nods, "I'm sure. Thank you for letting me see her." He looks at Yelena and gives her a strained smile, "always a pleasure Yelena."

"Yeah you too," she grumbles.

Clint leaves and Kate turns to Yelena, "you promised," she tells her again. "You can't keep doing that."

"I'm-," she starts.

"I don't care," Kate says as she cuts her off. "You need to find a way to make peace with him. If not for me or for your daughter, then do it for your sister. She loved Clint. They were family and she would kick your ass if she knew how you were treating him."

My respect for Kate rises as I watch Yelena hang her head in shame as Kate leaves the room. She was right, I'd kick Yelena's ass if I was there. But then again, if I was there, she wouldn't hate Clint.

I sigh and close the live stream, deciding to read more about my past lives. I scroll and read for hours, noticing a smiling theme to all of my lives-


I was always a champion of children. Either as a teacher, a benefactor of orphanages, a foster parent or a social worker. And while I always worked with children, I never had any myself.

It was like I was destined to work with them, to save them in any way that I could, but I was never supposed to have any of my own.

I try to ignore the fact that it seemed like some cosmic entity had it out for me, but I find myself cursing whatever was listening. The one thing I'd wanted the most in all of my lives was the one thing I could never have.

I try and focus on the life in front of me. Apparently I was a pirate in this one. Not that I was surprised given my other professions. I skim through the details and click on the photo option, gasping as picture after picture of a pirate couple pop up, the captions reading Calico Jack and Anne Bonney.

Jack and Anne.

Dekon had said that he'd met Elias and her wife when they were sailing the Caribbean as a couple named Jack and Anne.

And then I'm running out of my house, down the road and through her gate, barging though her front door and yelling down the basement stairs. "ELIAS!"

There's a flurry of footsteps as she runs up the stairs and grabs my arms, "what's wrong? Are you ok?"

I pull away from her and step back a few paces, "who am I to you?"

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