Help you?

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I keep seeing you try to bite down the pain,

even though your unsure where it hurts.

I see you struggling to let out all you want to,

and then my heart shatters as I realize your just like me,

you can't let it out because the words ,they just don't come out right.

I know exactly how it feels ,

I've tried learning  all the fancy looking words,

just so I can put my thoughts into words,

but no matter how far I try to fly I realize my feet are chained ,

what's keeping me chained? I don't know.

how to rid free? I don't know.

Will i ever rid free? I don't know.

I wanna help you ,

help you learn where it hurts,

teach you how to swim,

teach you how to tend to the wounds, each one a different way,

but how can I do all that when I haven't been able to help even myself?

I don't know where it hurts. 

I don't know how to swim, all I do is drown.

I don't know how to tend to my wounds, when I try they all fester.

how can I help you when I spend my days wishing the festered wounds would one day swallow me whole?

Secrets I Wished You'd Know by NowWhere stories live. Discover now