Chapter 10- The Punishment

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"After Uncle Turner shut the door, the bad guys started banging it from the other side. He held his bleeding shoulder and stood against it. After a minute or so, it stopped. They stopped. But we could hear them talking about something like 'finishing this'. The way sister untied the rope off of the bell after one look from uncle told me this isn't going to end well".

"When I was going to climb down, a bomb rolled in. I shook in horror at the sight of the timer. 'I don't want to leave you both' I insisted but none of them listened. Sister slowly pushed me down and I crawled down the tower. I was counting and counting and then at 1, my sister smiled at me. The bomb...the flames", she gasped, "took my parents. Those bloody suckers...they took my mom and dad from me."

She didn't cry. She wailed. Probably too tired from denial that her loved ones are gone. I slowly rubbed her back and embraced her in a hug.

"And you know when I woke up, I was with the other kids and sister Patricia. She said some kid brought me to the ambulance and the fuckers cannot escape because someone called the police. Also, an anonymous witness presented all proof in the court that got the four of 'em life sentence." She sniffed.

"I believe it was all Ray. But I couldn't contact him. I couldn't however I tried. He just left. Some kid who went to his middle school told me that he dropped out. That's what I last know of him. He probably saw it too because he was there at the time. He must have also suffered after his father's death."

She stopped talking and went still. Her soft sobs conveyed enough of how much she went through. She was strong and independent. A real lady.

Suddenly she let out a wet laugh."You must be so pissed at me to curse."

A little chuckle left my mouth."Oh for sure I am. But I know a way you can make it up." She slowly let go and looked at me with red eyes, sniffing in tiny.

"Chocolate ice cream", I said and she cackled.

"It's on me then." She stood up and dusted her pyjamas like my bed was dirty.

"No you are not paying", I dramatically place my hand over my chest.

"Whoever walks out first does then." She smirks knowing oh so well that I would have to change my shorts.

"Cheater with a pink nose", I say. She laughs again and walks out of the room.



After Ray left, Archer and I decided that I was going to sneak in for his program testing.
We left together and while the security was distracted with checking in Archer, I jumped the wall and beelined to the theatre. It had an access gate for the audience, that led to the seats.

I pushed the gate to the needed extent and slipped in. While walking past seats, the backstage door opened. I sat behind the seats waiting for the guard to complete his check but surprisingly was greeted with a female voice.

"Do you have no shame at all?" She mimicked."An unconvincing apology nudges me more to use the method of strict correction." Her dramatic demeanour and bold accent intrigued me. I slowly peeped out and to my surprise, it was the same girl from the mall.

She swung the broom around and started dancing. Her body moved in harmony with the foreign jingle she hummed. 
Sweeping the stage clean, she started walking to the middle, swaying her hips. Her smile grew wider and wider as she twirled around and bobbed her shoulders before running and jumping straight off the stage. Mid-air, her hands managed to slip off the glasses and I could tell she was reaching the climax of the song.

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