Chapter 7

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(Jordan's POV)

I've been in America for about 2 weeks or so now. So much has happened in that short amount of time. I've also been growing more and more homesick too. When I accepted this I forgot how long I would be away from home. Nobody else seems to be homesick but me. I guess it's because they're still in the same county that they live in. 

"Hey babe, what's up?"

"Not much. Just sorta homesick."

"Oh. Me and Ashley are a little bit too."

"Yeah but you guys get to kinda visit where you live in a couple of days. I have to wait another month."

"I know.."

"Sorry, I just really miss Australia."

Adrianna stayed quiet and just came and sat next to me. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.  The silence was sorta bothering me so I leaned down and kissed her not knowing what else to do or say. 


Oh my god please be Ashley that did that I thought before pulling away. I looked up to see Bryan with Ashley,Johnnie, and Damon behind him.

"I knew something was going on between you two!" Bryan excitedly said.

"Yeah yeah. What are you going to do with that picture?"

"Oh it's just on my snapchat story and I'm putting it on twitter." He smirked and walked away.

Moments later I got the notification that Bryan had mentioned me in a tweet.The caption was cutest couple ever. I ended up re-tweeting the picture because everybody was going to find out we were dating anyways. Adrianna did the same. Then we both tweeted out to confirm we were dating because some people thought it was just another dare. Some people were mad about it but the majority were supportive and said that we were cute together and stuff. I guess it will be easier because we don't have to hide it from everybody now. 

(Adrianna's POV)

After Bryan tweeted the picture out I started to get some hate from some of Jordan's so called "fans".  Some read,

"You don't deserve to be with Jordan"

"He's probably only dating you because he feels sorry for you."

"You're too fat and ugly to be dating him"

I stopped reading the comments and tweeted out,

"Guys don't pay attention to any of the haters they just want reactions out of everybody"

Jordan read through some of the comment also and tweeted out something similar. We both knew some people would hate on us but it doesn't matter what they think because our relationship didn't involve them. 

"You're not paying any attention to the negative comments are you?" Jordan asked.

"No. Why should I? This doesn't involve them really."

"I know. I just wanted to make sure they weren't bothering you."

I got up and went over to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Thanks for the concern but come on we have to go to the meet-up."

Our warped love.(Jordan Sweeto)Where stories live. Discover now