Chapter 14

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Before I start this let me just state some things.

I'm also not trying to be a bitch in these little paragraph like thingys. 

1. I am a real human being. That being said I am a high school student. I have a shit ton of work to do. I have honors and AP(college credit) classes. They're pretty hard and give a lot of work. Also as I have mentioned before I am in band. I am in the highest band in my school (level 5-6 music. Which is hard as fuck). I'm also in marching band. If you've never been in either then you wouldn't know how hard it actually is and how much time it takes up. 

2. I LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES! I HAVE NEVER LEFT THE EASTERN SIDE OF THIS COUNTRY! I have NOT been to Australia. When I say "America has so much more to offer" it's simply just because we have a larger film and music industry(WHICH IS  A FACT). Jordan IRL is interested in those two things. I realize that Australia has so much more than what I know of. When it comes down to it this a fanfiction. Meaning it is entirely made up by me. Yes I am a fairly smart person but I do not know of everything in every country. I don't even know about everything in my own State let alone country. Yes I do realize that people can get offended by things  being said about their countries but whatever it's not the end of the world.

3. Do NOT tell me I need to update. I will update when I have the time to update. I don't have a lot of spare time and then sometimes when I do I just want to relax. I'm NOT promising REGULAR updates at the moment. 

4. I do very much appreciate EVERYBODY that reads and enjoys my story. I think when people read things they forget that there is a real human with a real life. Yes, I myself am guilty of doing it too.  

5. Thank you for actually reading something I put time and effort into. I do very much enjoy writing this. Again UPDATES WILL MOST LIKELY NOT BE REGULAR AT THE TIME BEING! 

Sorry for that but it needed to be said. But here you go the long awaited update. It is short. It's a filler. But at least it's an update. :)    


(Jordan's POV)

~2 weeks later~

We got the house! I'm so happy that I'm actually going to have a bed to sleep in. Oh yeah and an actually room that I only have to share with one person. The one person that I want to too. 

We were able to get into the house the same day we were given the news. How you might be asking. Well you see we started packing everything when we came back after looking at the house. We were so certain we would  get the house. In Heinz sight it was probably stupid of us to do that but do we care? Nope.  

Kyle, Alex,Shannon, Jeydon, and Sam got here about 2 days ago so we were all able to move in the same day.  I was actually glad they got here then so we wouldn't have to move people in in more than one day. 

Since the house was already fully furnished it was fairly easy to move everybody in. All the rooms were the same size and had their own bathroom each so it was very easy to assigned rooms. 

Each room had one king sized bed in it. The rooms were huge so I was able to put my yoshis in a corner and it didn't make a difference.. Adrianna and I put all of our cameras and stuff in another corner so it wouldn't use a lot of space. We left the light boxes out in the loft area upstairs. Since everybody uses each others we didn't feel a need to keep a bunch in our room. 

Adrianna decorated most of the room. To no surprise the color scheme of the room was white,black,and red. On two of the walls we had put up some fan{I didn't want to call it fan art or viewer art but I couldn't think of anything else to call it :(} art then on another we had some band poster and then Adrianna said that her and Ashley would draw on the other one and make it look all cool.

Never did I think I would be here in America, living in a house like this, living with all my friends, and having the best girlfriend in the world right by my side 24/7.

How can this be my life now?

(Adrianna's POV)

 I can't believe I'm living here in a house like this. If you would've told even 5 years ago that I was going to be living in an amazing house on the other side of the country than where I'm from with my best friends and my amazing boyfriend I would've laughed in your  face and told you to get your head checked because there's no way that could happen to a normal girl in the middle of Georgia. 

I started to draw on the wall I wanted to decorated for video backgrounds. The first thing I drew was the youtube logo. Youtube is what got me here in the first place so it had to be put on there. I also drew the warped logo because that was a big event in my life. I went on to draw things to represent all my friends. Once the wall was about half way covered, with the help of Ashley drawing random things, we gave it a rest for the night. It was starting to come together. The house had been decorated to our liking and it was starting to feel like a home. Who knew that it could feel like an actual home and we weren't even there for a full day yet. 

I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso. I knew who it was it just scared the shit out of me because I was lost in thought. 

"Come on baby lets go lay in the bed and watch netflix."

I nodded my head and walked over to the bed. Oh my god was it great to lay in a real bed again. 

Jordan quickly pulled me closer to him. I layed my head on his chest and grab the controller to turn netflix on. Once there I turned on Orange is the new black. 

"Of course. I should've known you'd pick that."

"Well duh!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. whatever."

We watched about 3 episodes before Bryan and Kyle barged in.

"HEYYYY LET'S GO GET FOOD!" Kyle screamed.

"Kyle! I told you don't yell. Why don't you ever listen!?" Bryan Said.

"Because I'm hungryyyy."

 "But come on guys we really are going to go get some food. So get dressed and come on."

We went out and got food then went to starbies. Then we just had to go to the store an buy some more food for the house. I also racked up on peace teas and monster. 

Once we got home we put all the groceries away then we all went to bed. Me and Jordan were again cuddle together and that is how the night ended.


So fairly short, not that interesting update. It's really just a filler. At least I think it's short but whatever honestly. It's 12am and I need to sleep. I have to get up at 7am and go to school. KMS. 

Our warped love.(Jordan Sweeto)Where stories live. Discover now