Part 11 : help Palestinians

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"My apologies your highness."

Helena shot him a stern gaze then she asked,
"What are you doing here, do you live nearby?"
Zaim felt his heart racing fast then he replied,
"Uhh n.... Oh yeah nearby. I was just passing by and saw you."

She made an ohh face then made her way to go just then Zaim stopped her and asked,
"Are you going alone? I can drop you."
"No need i can go on my own."
She replied firmly.

"Ah I can drop you as I live nearby."
Zaim insisted,
"Zaim I can't let anyone gossip about my character that I'm going with a boy at this hour."
Helena replied firmly, and declined his offer.

However Zaim lied to her to ensure her safety. He didn't insist further also he didn't want to let her go alone at this hour. He followed her from a distance until she reached home, but suddenly he saw two tough-looking guys were approaching Helena.

Zaim was about to intervene but stopped himself.

As Helena had already gone through a similar situation before so she was mentally prepared.

The boys started harassing her but she responded a loud determined voice and shot them a death glare, ,
"Don't move a step closer or else you both will see your death angels right here."

Zaim chuckled at her boldness and watched in awe as Helena defended herself with perfect and skilled moves. His jaw dropped with a shocked look on his face as he had never seen her this side ever,
Before he could approach them, the thugs grabbed their mouths and stomachs in pain and retreated.

Helena headed home and Zaim was still impressed by her moves and following from a distance until she reached home safely.
When he saw Helena enter her home, Zaim sighed in relief before heading home himself.

It was Sunday when everyone finished their lectures they were sitting in the cafeteria, suddenly Helena saw a post on her phone about Palestinians, she decided to help them, she stood up from her chair and went to the middle of the cafeteria and said with a loud and determine voice,

"Guys, assalamualaikum, may I have your attention please?"

Everyone looked at him in confusion then one of the students asked,
"Yeah sure Helena, what do you wanna say, go ahead?"

She smiled , bowing a little then she said,
"Guyz I've been thinking a lot lately about our Palestinian brothers and sisters, as you know that what are they going through. It breaks my heart to know that they are suffering from what Israelis do to them since six months I just want to help them, I know we can't stop Israelis for doing these except pray for Palestinians."

Everyone was listening her carefully and attentively then she continued,

"Imagine for a moment being a child in Gaza, hearing bombs explode outside your window, there are kids just like our kids who can't go to school or play outside because of the fighting and the things happening in their country.

Imagine living with the constant fear of losing your home, your family, your future. This is the reality for many Palestinian children and families right now.

We can't ignore their sufferings. We can't turn a blind eye to the injustice they face every day. Think that how they spent the whole Ramadan and kept fast without getting scared when they hadn't have much food to break their fast , I know many of you are not Muslim but just think about that as a human.

No matter from which religion you belongs to you have a faith on your God. Just like them. They have a strong faith on their God. Even if anyone of you are atheist but you must have humanity. They are protecting Al-Aqsa. they are stronger than us that they are dying rather to give them our precious mosque to the genocide.

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