Chapter 3 : Trauma

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"Give me back my money, bitch!"

"I don't have your money! I swear on my dead body."

"On your dead body huh!??" the man grabbed a knife and pointed the knife at the woman.

"Go! Do it." The woman bravely said.

A young man then came out of the room. He saw the two fighting. He is shocked and just stands there as he can't do anything. He can hardly speak, he tries to stop them but when he tries it's nothing but a squeak.

The man started to raise the knife pointing it at the woman.


Ring, ring, ring.

"That dream again huh"

As the shrill sound of the alarm pierced through the silence of the room, William jolted awake, his heart racing from the intensity of the dream. Breathing heavily, he reached out to silence the alarm, his hand trembling slightly as he tried to shake off from the nightmare.

"That dream again huh"

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up in my bed, my mind was still reeling from the vivid images that had haunted my sleep. As I sat up in my bed, memories from my childhood flooded back, clear as day. It was a memory that I had tried to bury deep, but now, those memories rushed back with undeniable force, hitting me like a ton of bricks.

I remembered the fear that had gripped my young heart as I just watched helplessly, unable to intervene as the situation escalated out of control. I could still feel the cold sting of fear as my father brandished a knife, the threat of violence hanging heavily in the air.

It was a reminder of the past that had shaped him, leaving behind scars that ran deeper than he cared to admit.

"He was the worst, he doesn't even hesitate to do it. That day I was helpless and a coward. If I only did something that day my mom... tears from Will's eyes slowly dropped.

Sob, sob, sob.

-would be still alive..."

After I state those painful words, my tears continue to flow. Each tear seems to carry a weight of its own, each drop feels deep within my soul. I sink to my knees, the weight of grief is pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket.

As he sobs quietly, the room feels eerily silent, the only sound of the soft hitching of his breath and the sniffle. Time seems to run slowly and stretch on endlessly, each moment filled with the weight of his sorrow. Eventually, after what feels like an eternity, Will's sobs begin to subside, leaving him feeling drained and empty.

I wipe away the last traces of my tears from my cheeks and takes a shaky breath, my chest still heavy with emotion.

With trembling hands, I reach for my phone, the screen illuminating my tear-streaked face in the dim light of the room. I check the time and see that it's already 10 am, a harsh reminder of the passage of time...

As I sat in my car, the weight of the grief was still heavy on my shoulders, I found myself driving aimlessly through the quiet streets of the city.

After a while, Will's wandering drive led him to a small flower shop nestled between two buildings.

The colorful array of blooms in the window caught my eye.

I stepped out of my car and entered the shop, the sweet scent of flowers was like a warm hug. The shop owner, is a kindly elderly woman with a gentle smile, greeted me warmly as I approached the counter.

"Good morning, dear. How can I help you today?" she asked, her voice is soft and soothing.

I forced a small smile, my eyes lingering on the colorful display of roses behind the counter. "I'd like to buy a bouquet of roses, please," I replied, my voice tinged with sadness.

The shop owner nodded to me, and she seemed to understand my situation. and began to carefully arrange a bouquet of red roses, their velvety petals contrast to the somber atmosphere of the shop.

As she finished tying the bouquet with a delicate ribbon, she handed it to me with a sympathetic smile. "Here you go, dear. I hope these bring some comfort to you," she said gently.

"Thank you," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. I paid for the flowers and turned to leave, the weight of grief still heavy on my heart.

As he reached for the door, the shop owner called out to him. "Oh, and don't forget, you have another bouquet to pick up later today. Around 5 or 6 pm, if that's convenient for you."

"Yes, I'll be back," I replied quietly before stepping out into the flower shop the bouquet of roses cradled gently in my arms.

Mira's Pov

As the first rays of the morning sun penetrated Mira's curtains. Mira woke up from her deep sleep. She slowly blinked her eyes open, the sun rays were playfully dancing across her skin. She raised her hands up and stretched.

Mira found herself lost in thought about what happened yesterday. She's still remembering the lovely conversation she had with William. She smiled as she recalled.

Mira glanced at the clock on her phone, it was 7:30 am.

"I'm late!!!" Mira scream.

"Why my alarm didn't ring!?" Mira then unlocked her phone and found the calculator was opened "6÷00"
Mira was shocked "I thought I set an alarm. What the fuck I'm doing with my life?? My boss must have been angry by now." I suddenly remembered a memory when I was late too.

"Mira Why are you late?" the boss angrily asked.

"I'm sorry sir I was about to go to work, I'm already on a bus and remembered that I completely forgot my paperwork and came back home." I said.

"Well, don't do that again!" the boss replied with an angry voice.

After that, he gave me a bunch of paperwork and even chose me to be the representative for the reports. Till today, I'm scared to be late.

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