author update (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠″^U^″ ) pls read I beg you.

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Hey guys, so this week I'm working on fixing some chapter and continuing to finish all the chapter so I don't have to waste due time post.

I want to apologise deeply if you been waiting for new chapter release and instead it's just extra and bonus such, please bear with me 😓 because I keep trying to find a good plot for this fanfic like backstorys and y/n true intentions, I keep forgetting things so please if you find something off pls do tell me so I can understand what I did wrong

IM CRYING I MISSED LUFFY BIRTHDAY 😭😭😭 chapter 8 was supposed to be posted on 6 may after Luffy's birthday but I can't finish it due time also because school sport day event going on last week.

Maybe this can make it up to y'all I hope so.

May 5th time skip, somewhere in the new world.

"Sanji!~ give me some foooddddd i'm hungryyy" luffy whine once again for 8th time, the cook is pissed at his impatient behaviour

Sanji turn away from the stove and ready to scold Luffy. Then the kitchen door slam open hard, Y/n rushed towards the kitchen fridge and was looking for something

"Is there any more meat or cake???! Sanji kun where is the cake I told you to hide?"

"Oh I hid it at c-" sanji reply and in middle of sentence, with a loving dovey hearty eyes he look at her but his words got cut off by luffy

"I ate it." The two snap their neck to look wide eyes at Luffy. Y/n hand trembling as her hand reach on Luffy shoulder.. she slam him down and scatter the floor into pieces

Sanji didn't flinch since he used to y/n beating up Luffy in brutal way more than Nami.

"You competent fool... That's for someone special tonight!" She huff in annoyance but he can tell that she was frowning

Luffy rub his head where she hit him, he immediately got up and hug her "I know who's cake is that, I'm sorry I can't contain myself to be honest. But I like how you try to make it as a secret Vely, I love you deeply just like as much as I love ace and sabo as my family thanks for that cake even though it might be quite early I still want to thank you for your hard work going through everything and still ended up with me and our crew. I appreciate your presence here."

She was speechless at this sudden out burst, but she's glad he didn't complain about it. She hugged him back feeling bit emotional, he pull away a little bit giving them distant. Then he kisses her cheek and she giggle from the kiss since it tickles her slightly

Sanji there just looking at them feeling kind of left out 'it always him...Luffy you're a lucky dog ... Y/n and you deserve eachother.. jeez even though I'm just a crew and friend nothing more.. it just hurt me.' he says in his thoughts

"Oh Luffy don't know you can be so romantic, but please get a room" Nami appear from the other room with an apple that Sanji plan to cut for her earlier

"Huh romantic? No I always like this since we're kids, I love kissing vely's soft cheek" he says that in most blunt way. Y/n got flustered at the words came from his mouth, she don't want them to think it in a different way, basically don't want them to misunderstood

"Y/n-Nee San is that true?" Nami sat on the kitchen counter where Sanji just wipe off dirt from. He back to check on his curry soup that almost done

Y/n nod shyly, but Nami grin cheekily "oh? So you and Luffy were like that as kids hm? So same goes to ace and Sabo?"

That took her heart pounding like cheetah pace. Y/n pull away from Luffy's embrace and run away embarrassed.

Luffy turn to Nami with a smile "yes nami. We were like that." He grin but behind that big grin is like a intentional one for least I can say.

Then suddenly he smelled a delicious aroma, coming from Sanji's pot "WOAH I'M GETTING EVEN MORE HUNGRY NOW! SANJI LET ME TASTE SOME OF THOSE SOUP!" Luffy jump over the counter and tackle Sanji down

"y- YOU IDIOT!!" he smack Luffy face with a pan


Then all of them have dinner later that night celebrating their idiotic captain birthday even though he already ate the cake Sanji made another cake since he knew that one will be eaten by him early before the party even starts, now they surely will have a good ingestion for tonight especially luffy.

Bonus end

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