Chapter 8.5: Bonus, The Legendary Great sword

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28 years ago

Shanks -9 years old
Buggy -9 years old
Mari -  26 years old
Roger- 47 years old
Rayleigh - 48 years old

One day in grand line somewhere on an island, one peaceful day

A Boy with blue hair was being brush by a beautiful lady with natural beauty, she was wearing a white blouse with frill on collar and she was wearing blue navy skirt adding to her beautiful frame

The lady have bun braided hairstyles, and she's giving same to the blue hair boy who looked shy and embarrassed

"Bugs can you please sit straight, I can't do your hair properly if you sat up like this dear" she pat his head gently as she she ask him politely

He turn to her and pout but he change his posture as she wanted, she smiled and continue to do his hair

he silence was comforting for the both of them until they heard someone's laughing hysterically

The blue hair boy immediately turn to the sound angryly and embarrassed. The one who's laughing is a red haired boy in straw hat

The boy growled at the boy "SHANKS!! HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT ME!!" He barked defensively that made the red hair boy laugh even louder

The lady sighed unpleased, she look at the boy and the boy stop laughing and give a apologetic look "Uh sorry sis Marie, it's just hilarious to me to see buggy looking like a girl" he rub his nape looking away from the ladies gaze. He puckered his lips to look guilty so she can forgive him and get away with it

"Shanks come here why don't you get your hair done with him along? Since you got nothing to do left now." She smiles warmly but the meaning behind that make shanks want to run away

When he tries to run buggy already caught him by his shirt. He look at him with mischief grin

"No running away now pal.. you need a hair to be get done beautifully, eheh"

~~~~~~some time later~~~~~~

Shanks and buggy was dressed in formal clothes, a dress and a suit. Shanks and buggy look defeated and embarrassed by their appearance now. They don't want anyone to see them in this absurd situation

The lady earlier look satisfied and amused even now she won't stop giggling at these two boys

"Aww look at my lovely boys, ohoho and it totally fits both of you naughty boys too" she chuckles and leaned her cheek on her palm

The boys pouted and look away embarrassed

Three men approach them and the two boys immediately hide behind the lady. The lady grin and greet the three men

"Hey Senchou-san! Rayleigh and Gaban, what took you guys to long? where's my beris pouch?"
The captain laugh and wave at the lady cheerly. The men behind them rub their temples, but the black hair one shrugs and the blonde one cross his arm

"Ah about that!" The captain rub the back of his neck and his mouth pucker up.

"What did you guys do." The lady sigh, and walk towards them closer. The lady examined the men's. Then look up back at them.

"Roger tell me." The lady insisted, a dark aura allumanating around her with her serious face staring eagerly at him.

"Okay okay. We traded your beli's with a sword! Ta-da!" He pull out a sword from underneath his cloak, the sword look like it came out of fantasy story, golden and dark blue handle, and there's a blue gem lapis on the middle of the handle. And the sword has snake shape sharp look, the end of the sword was red but it's not blood it's part of the sword apparently

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