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Authors Note: Im so so so excited to share this one with you all. It feels good to be back and writing for you all once more. This will start on 5/17/2024 but I been gone long enough so I have posted the Prologue along with Chapters 1&2. Enjoy❤️😘


20 Years Ago.                     2004

                      New York University

Rush Week on New York University campus was exactly how the upperclassmen explained it at my high school to pitch to us that joining this university is the best choice. It was like parties on the quads, sidewalks, and of course the Frat/Sorority Houses. If I had stuck to my right mind I would have not had one of the most mind blowing things happen to me.

It was 11:33 PM as I sat at my work desk inside my dorm writing away. I was always a jumpstart type of dude. If something was due 3 months from now...I would have it complete within 3 weeks. I rather not stress myself out waiting to the last minute. Plus, I had a plan here. I was going to be a CEO at some Fortune500 company. Investing people money and making loads of it. I can already see myself walking into my huge corner office wearing my very expensive suit from a designer whose name I cant truly pronounce. I grew up with less than and I told myself if I can get my brown skinned red ass into college it was only up from there.


"Coming in."

I heard from my obnoxious roommate. He was from Manhattan and only came to college for the booze, girls, and to cash in his inheritance. His words, not mine. His grandpa left strict rules for his money after his passings. He wanted his grandkids to have a sense of the real world first. He was the owner of some famous food brand in Greece.

I turned my head as he finally got the key in the hole. The knob turned in the greek god himself walked thru the door. The broad shoulders, 6'6 stance, and jet black hair made him out to be the perfect package. We been on campus all of 3 weeks and the amount of females that has been in here is criminal. Hell, he has even had too many and offered me some. I declined quickly. Not that I was scared, but my mother told me do not make a dumb split second decision that has an 18 year consequence. I am not making a baby while here.

He slid out of his shirt and flexed in the mirror as he slid his closet door open.

"Yo campus is fucking crazy right now! It's a party at the Alpha Phi house. It's to celebrate the end of rush week and its picked pledges. Your ass been cooped up in here twiddling with your ass all week. It's Friday Night!" He told me as I placed the number two pencil on my essay paper. I turned around in the rolling chair and replied, "I have no interest in joining a fraternity, Adriano."

He looked over at me as he paused with the red crew neck shirt in his hand. He then proceeded to laugh, "No offense but you don't got what it takes to even consider joining the Alpha's. They looking for men like me"

"What white, handsome, and dumb?" I retorted as he tossed his hands up, "I did not say that, but look at yourself. You turn down gym days"

"You get up at 4"

"Your scrawny ass needs to be up before 3." He argued as I sucked my teeth and stood up. He walked over towards me and shook my shoulders, "One thing you got is that perfect smile, good skin, and you 6 feet tall. You got an advantage bro"

"An advantage?" I asked him staring into his eyes.

"You got a brain. Chicks would love for you to fuck them good and can do their assignments. And Ive seen you smile finishing an assignment it's fucking weird dude. Now get you some clean jeans, a decent shirt and cmon on. It's free booze man!" He explained to me as I looked back at my essay that was a paragraph from being completed. I licked my lips and turned my head to him, "Fine! I'll come for one hour." He clapped.

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