Chapter 3📿

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December 20th                     2024

"What the fuck are you doing in the Hamptons?" Hawk asked him in a whisper as Denes scoffed, "You the one fell off the face of the Earth. Unhand me before someone walks by" Hawk stared into his eyes as he made sure his knee rubbed against Denes' dick as he released him.

Denes closed his eyes a few times and opened them back making sure this was not a dream and it was not. Hawk in the flesh.

"If I remember correctly you got married to Kate Walsh and broke all intermingling with me." Hawk replied as Denes laughed hard and pushed his chest slightly.

"I did what? This is not the time or place for this. How long are you here in the Hamptons?" Denes asked him. Hawk gave him an intense stare and he slowly but surely calmed his tone down before speaking again, "Sorry. This is just ironic as hell to run into you here of all places. It's a cigar lounge that opens at Midnight. It's called House of Rings Lounge. Meet me there by 12:30?"

"Will that be the time and the place? Because you clearly have forgotten who I am Panda...I would have you sucking my dick in front of these lovely patrons in here. Hell, in front of that family you went and made." Hawk snapped as Denes face went from shock to fear as blood rushed to his dick.

"I am not that same dumb kid anymore that listened to anything Hawk Kincaid told me. I will see you there, got me?" Denes told him as he went to make a move and Hawk blocked him.

"I know you don't need a refresher course...whenever you leave my presence you better do what?" Hawk asked him as Denes sucked his teeth and argued, "I am not dismissing you and I am not about to-" he stopped talking as Hawk rose his left eyebrow. Denes shook a bit as he looked around and saw no one in their sight. Denes grabbed Hawk's dick and rubbed it as Hawk groaned, "How I knew you would choose my dick? He has been on your mind I suppose?"

"See you at HoR." Denes replied as he rushed off as Hawk smirked as he couldn't believe he had just ran into Denes Monroe.

Meanwhile, Kate spoke to the waitress.

"The entire bottle its been a long while since Ive had this brand. Also, my husband will do Jack&Coke with a lime slice" Kate continued as she looked over at her twins. AJ spoke, "Ill do A Long Island Ice Tea."

Ally responded, "Same ,Twin Flame. Same."

Kate laughed, "Minus the Long Island." The waitress smiled and replied, "I'll leave you with the menus a little while longer." She walked off and Kate whispered, "Do you two always have to embarrass me? I let you drink at home and around me..."

"Mom we are joking. We hitting that jacuzzi tonight with some bubbly" Ally said as AJ asked, "Sis what time did Tommy leave last night?"

"He stayed over, no?" Kate asked. Ally stared at her brother knowing his ass knew about Tommy sleeping over. He wanted to bring it up in front of Denes who was making his way back to the table with Chef Marni.

"Hush up! Your Dad is back." Kate said as she stood up in her Burberry coat. She hugged the chef as Marni spoke, "This is not the children that used to eat all the gnocchi before it even hit the plates. I follow Kate here blog, but she rarely gives life updates."

"Hey fans let's talk Dildos, kids, and sex toys just does not go over well." Kate joked as they hugged again. The kids got up and hugged her as Ross came walking in as he interrupted everything.

"Park the sprinter instead...Valet taking too long." Ross said as Kate laughed, "The parking lot seemed empty. Marni this is Ross. Denes assistant and life provider. Before Ross Denes was the most unorganized man I ever met. I still do not know how he works so well."

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