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"Rusha! We shouldn't BE HERE!!" 

"Quiet Liz, you'll get the bobbies all over us!"

"But Mum said-."

"Mum doesn't know shit, and if you tell her, I'll tell her about you Snogging Dylan!" 

"You wouldn't!"

Two young hushed voices echoed along the sewer walls as a two pairs of large canine ears twitched nervously from the brown haired heads of a young 12 year old boy and his younger 10 year old sister, the boy wearing a newsboy cap and a set of overalls, the girl a neat little blouse, neither of them looking as they belonged anywhere below ground to begin with. 

"Mummy said not to be out past 7 O' clock! It was tea time 2 hours ago!" the Lycan girl Liz's bushy tail whipped about emotionally. 

"Bullocks, Mum wouldn't care if we were out past 12 with that stupid nanny about." the Lycan boy Rusha rolled his eyes.  "Plus I can become my wolf form now, nuthin' scares me! I'll protect us both!"

"You're still only the size of a puppy when you do that tho!" said Liz. "And I didn't snog Dylan by the way, he fell into me!"

"Your lips touched, snogging is snogging!" said Rusha. 

"Shut up!"

"No you shut up!"

"OI OI!! Whatchu lot doin' down here!?"

The siblings froze, their tails stiff as a human man walked out into  the sewer path, holding a lantern, flooding the cavern with light as his grubby coat, motheaten scarf and rough stubbled double chin took center stage. 

The man looked down at the two children. "What choo Wolf kids doin' down here? Chu should know better'n ta be down 'ere."

"We're... we're here for the maiden's grace!" said Rusha, taking a deep breath and puffing up his chest as if attempting to appear noble and brave.  "Are you the gate keeper!?"

For a moment the man merely stared at them. 

Rusha's chest deflated slightly as he breath grew unsure.

"L.. lets just go home Rusha.." whispered Liz. "I'm scared."

But Rusha ignored Liz, still trying to keep his gaze with the man. 

Finally the man spoke. "Alrigh' then.. weren' aware dat the Lady was gracin' youngungs with her teachin's too. Follow me then."

The boy let out a sigh of relief and he began following the man and his lantern light down the cavern. 

The girl danced around on her feet as her brother drew further and further away before letting out a cry of frustration and hurrying after him. "Wait up!"

"So.. were you always the Maiden's Gatekeeper?" asked Rusha, trying to calm his nerves with conversation. 

"Oh.. me? No nonono. The Lady has many a keeper in her employ." said the man. "I myself been on'y doin it since about 2 days ago.. "

"You're a recent follower?" said the boy with surprise. 

"Yes, the lady doesn't discriminate. If yeh can serve, then serve 'er yeh will. I never met any'un like her. She truly is Queen Ophelia's equal.. an' per'aps 'er downfall as well.."

"Queen Ophelia would never lose to anyone!" Liz shouted angrilly. 

"Oho? A nonbeliever eh?" said the man, glancing at the little girl. 

"I didn't want to bring her, she just followed.." Rusha grumbled. 

"Its alright laddie, yer still young as is yer sister, when she sees the Lady for herself, she can decide then... who truly can rule Britain.. The Queen-."

Ben 10 Radiant War Part 2. Volume 2.Where stories live. Discover now