Challenge 1: Keepaway

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The voice echoed across the stadium interior..  the night sky framed clearly against the magical barrier that deflected the rain of the outside. 

Lights shone down from above as millions of screams rained down on the students of the Hero Academy. 

Ben blinked hard, almost stunned by the massive noise. 

"Holy shit, is this the Olympics or something?" said Rex as he raised a hand to his face.

"For Britain in this world.. it is." said Kratos. "Remember what Luna has told us. This event.. is annual, and due to the constant failure to achieve its end and defeat the one known as Ariadne..  to the scale that it is now considered the largest revenue boosting sporting event in the entire country..  Expect to face many warriors who came not only for Ophelia's hand.. but simply as a means of showing off their combative prowess."

Ben looked around and saw millions of people. Everything from gun slinging humans wearing trench coats, to sword wielding vampires, and even a few lycans and plenty of steins and other various halloweenish monsters mixed in.. 

"Feels very Anur System.." Ben said. "But it looks like our competition numbers in.. "

"The Thousands?" said Erice. "Yep.. yep it does.."

"Hmph! But most if not all these warriors don't have an inkling what Omni is!" said Todo with a grin. "Calm yourselves! Practice caution! Observe the crowd for the most dangerous fighters, and then, when the runts of the litter have vanished, you'll know who to truly take on!"

"Interesting.." said Hanzo, grinning wildly as he rattled both his blades within their sheathes. "Well.. I've been practicing plenty of Grandmother's Niten Ichiryu techniques, guess this is a good set of nobodies for a real world test."

"Try not to kill too many people.. " Ben said. "if we use Omni and go all out too much it might make us look suspicious.. The Rookies here are free to go all out though."

"Oh PLEASE! I was totally kicking your butt when we first fought!" said Rex.

"Dude I didn't even use the Ultimates! I was holding back!" said Ben. "Sides, you don't know Omni now, I do!"

"Oh I'll catch up, you know I will." said Rex with a grin. 

Ben continued to rove his eyes over the crowd. But as he did, his eyes flared up. "G-guys.. "

Erice looked in the direction Ben was looking. "What? Is something the ma-? NO.. fuck.."

Hanzo narrowed his eyes. "Now.. things have just gotten interesting in a bad way.."

Far down near the center of the stadium was a group that seemed to be only made up of two individuals. 

One was what appeared to be a tall muscular japanese man with short black hair and a physique so impressive that his black shirt stretched to barely contain it. He shouldered what appeared to be a pair of curved swords, and he grinned when Ben caught his eye..

Ben almost had to back up a bit when he caught his gaze, as his mere stare gave Ben a shiver that reminded him of Hanzo whenever he was fully intent on slaughtering his opponent. 

But the second group member was truly what made Ben double take. 

Malenia herself, her winged gold helm unmistakable, her demigoddess stature standing out amid the crowd of normal height humanoids, stood out like a sore thumb. 

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