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As their carriage swayed along the rocky path, they suddenly came across a clear out, and ahead, a small town.

Seeing this, Vivian looked very overjoyed and whipped the horse to go faster.

As they entered the town, she quickly turned to Lilith happily, jingling the small bag of 'money' as she called it, in her left hand.

"Now, Lilith let me show you how great this little bag filled with shiny metal is........"
She giggled. "Come on, let's go...."

The town was a little bustling with people and very few houses.
It was a crossway town.
Vivian dragged Lilith every single place she went and Lilith watched as she exchanged that one little metal for a huge material or food instead.
What sort of concept was that?...

Finally, when the day was beginning to brew, Vivian finally let go of her hand, and looked up to the sky with a sad smile.
She looked 'pained'.

Lilith called out to her when she'd been looking out to the sky for quite a while.

She quickly turned her head to Lilith with a loud chirp.
"Ohhhh Lilith, it's time for us to get a place to sleep...."

Lilith subconsciously smiled, thankful that the doubting and fearing Vivian had lessened her worry for a little.
But, she still halted with a small shake of her head.
"Vivian, we can't stay, we can't allow them to get to us....."

"But it's just one night, besides, we've been travelling for quite a few days now and they've not gotten to us yet."
Vivian whined.

Lilith was immediately cut off by Vivian who in turn look deeply solemn and wanting to cry.

"I need a shower Lilith, you can't do this to me. I smell so bad from the last time before, I don't want to bath in a lake, it itches......please!."
She begged.

Lilith rolled her eyes, and turned away with a nod.

Vivian pulled her to a bit tall housing, with bright lights and red theme.

"But what about our wagon?.."

"I'd kept it in a stable for the night don't worry....."
Vivian replied without a look back.

Lilith chuckled.
It turned out, Vivian had planned this all along.

Vivian finally let go of her hand when they reached the counter with a very voluptuous woman at it's stand.

"A room for two please...."

The woman looked from Vivian to Lilith and back to the widely smiling Vivian, with a cocked eyebrow.
"A single room?."

The unexpected Vivian nodded her head with vigor.
The woman shook her head disapprovingly.
"Well that'll be two bronze coins...."

Vivian quickly paid, and grabbed onto the keys heading up the stair with Lilith tailing behind her.

She stopped at a door.
"Here it is. Ahh, I can't wait to get a good bath....."
She flicked the door open, and squealed at the clean and somewhat luxurious interior.

She quickly ran into an inner room and let out a louder scream.
"Ohhh my....Look it's even marbled!."

Lilith was 'confused'.
"What is so good about that?."

"Well, from the unusual expensive decor, and it's lighting, I'd say we've hit the pin. We got a cheap count!."
She squealed even louder.

"We did?."

"Uh huh. Now shoo, I want to get a bath in this beautiful piece.
Ohh I can't wait!."
Saying that she pushed Lilith out and jammed the door.

Lilith chuckled as she saw the very enthusiastic Vivian, she simply shook her head and went to flop on the bed.
Her eyes closed and a song began to flow from her mouth softly.
She hummed along it's rhythm for quite a while and in a bit, she heard the door close lightly.
She quickly opened her eyes to meet the peak of the blade pointed at her face, the bridge of her nose.

Her low eyes trailed the blade to the hilt and then it's holder.

He had a sweet smile ok his face as he tilted the sword to her neck.
"Why Lilith, now nice of you to finally come by.....I've been waiting!."
His voice was cold, and his face, very misleading with that sweet smile. His red eyes glinted ever so brightly Lilith couldn't help but stare intently at it.
It was just so beautiful.

He tugged at the blade closer to her neck, his smile faded.
"You will return to the manor this instant!."


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