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Tripura kinda startled seeing so many people at the shooting location. She stepped closer to him and Karan who noticed it said slowly "Relax, they're all nice. I want to hold your hand but I can't infront of so many people. I'm here only, so relax hmm?"

Tripura looked up at him and nodded slightly. Karan gave her a reassuring smile and was then greeted by the director.

"Hey Karan, come on get ready fast. We need to compete those shots today...and who's she?" He asked looking at Tripura.

"She's Tripura, my new PA" Karan introduced and the director nodded before rushing to the other work unit.

Vishal then asked Karan to go to the vanity. Tripura and Karan went to his vanity van and there was the costume designer with his clothes "Sir you need to wear these for the scene"

Karan nodded and the designer left after which he locked the door. Tripura looked around and found tv, the mirror and small couch, etc. This looked cozy and cute setup.

"Like it?" Karan asked grabbing her attention to which she smiled nodding.

Karan smiled at that "This is my vanity van. The place where I get ready for my shots and a place to chill on set"

Tripura nodded in understanding and Karan said "I'll have to change so you mind waiting on the other end?"

Tripura moved to the other side where there was the couch. Karan quickly put on the shirt and said pants and called Tripura back.

"I need to be out in probably 15 minutes, do you think you can manage here alone or you wanna stay amidst the crowd?"

"I'll come with you.." She mumbles and he nods.

"Tripura you need to act like my PA, you can be quiet and need not speak to anyone"

She nods and he then reads his script.

After sometime, he's called out and they both leave to the scene. It was a scene where the lead actress is vulnerable and the lead actor consoles her.

Tripura stands aside with Vishal and looks at the shoot. She looks at the way the girl is hugging him and crying on his shoulder and later slides her face into his neck. Karan on the other hand, rubs her back and kisses her head whispering her that he's there with her.

Everyone claps when the scene is done and the girl smiles at Karan as they come aside near Vishal and Tripura.

She whispers something in his ear which brings a smile on his lips as he nods.

Tripura's mouth opens slightly apart when the girl kisses his cheek before leaving to change her clothes.

Karan then looks at Tripura who looks at the lipstick mark on his cheek. She looks down and Vishal says "Change your clothes, you have two more scenes to shoot and then we need to leave for the script reading of Viraj Verma's next"

Karan nods and says "Come Tripura" and she quietly follows him behind to the vanity.

Karan asks her to wait in the other end while he changes his clothes. He calls her back to his side and says "You want anything to drink? Any juice?"

She shakes her head keeping it down.

"What happened?" He asks seeing her quiet.

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