Chapter 12

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Here's it is, chapter 12! Hope you enjoy it! Please leave a comment and a vote!

The group scattered around the area, running around different streets to find anyone outside, and to get them inside. Rocky ran down the road, the rain battering his suit and muzzle fur, turned rightwards down the next street, and saw a few hundred yards in front of him were a bunch of scattered vehicles, some knocked over by the loud, fast wind. Suddenly, he saw a fuel tanker on its side further down the road being blown up in the air, in spite of its weight, hurling towards the vehicles and the people scattered around them! "Don't worry, I've got this!" He yelled, narrowing his eyes as he ran towards the area. Stopping as he watched the car fly towards some people by a lamppost, he raised his arms, made them glow green, concentrating, focusing his eyes on the truck, which then (the van and its tank) came to a complete stop, hovering in the air above the ground, mere feet away from a family of Tabby Cats, who were kneeling together in fear, and now long at the floating tanker, Rockys eyes then being drawn to the dog (in a black coat and beige trousers) to their right, who then looked over his right shoulder, revealing to Rocky (whose eyes widened and mouth gaped open as he saw the face) to be Dan, his dad!

Everest ran down another street, coming upon an old building (on her right) where she saw a bunch of people running down of the fire escape steps. "Stay inside! It's not safe!" She yelled to them as she ran over towards them. Suddenly a lighting bolt struck the first level of the system, flames bursting up, the people coming down the steps stepping back in fear with screams, the people who had gotten down doing the same before running away. Everest, with wide eyes, looked upwards as several more lighting bolts suddenly struck the wall of the building nest the steps and platforms, causing more flames to appear on the brick sides spreading onto the metal floors of the platforms or on the first stairs on some levels, trapping the people who were still on the platforms and steps. Her mouth gaping open with worry, Everest looked rightwards. "Marshall? Marshall!" She yelled out to no response. Then she looked forwards at the building, the muliple fires burning up its side, the people in need of help. "We can't rely on each other all the time. Can't always depend on the others. Have to do this by myself. Ice doesn't burn, thought it melts. But if it's cold enough, snowy enough, it'll put out the fires." She said to herself quickly before she looked upwards at all the fires on the building, feeling unsure as she'd never done anything superhero related alone. Then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath. "Okay, okay. Come on, Everest. You can do this, you basketball player. Be strong. Be confident. Be migthy. Be icy. Be Snowy. Be what you are. Your... your... a mountaineer, a skier, a snowboarder, a basketball player, a tomboy, a niece, a superhero, a friend, a girl." She spoke, opening his eyes, confidence shining from them, her hands glowing as she as she ran towards the bottom of the steps, then came to a stop. "Girl Power!" She cried out as she raised her hands, thrusted them forwards/upwards and unleashed a load of ice and snow at the fire on the first level, putting out the fire, moving her hands upwards and around, putting out the fires up and the building, making those on or near the steps snowy for people to step on, until the last one had been put out then she stopped. She lowered her hands, a proud look on her face as she saw the several icy and snowy bulges up and down the building where the fire had been, her eyes suddenly taking notice of the male Husky (wearing a red jacket and green trousers) standing up on the fire escape, looking down at her, and she could've sworn she made eye contact. It was her uncle, Jake!

Zuma ran towards the street, the turned leftwards to run by the river side, when something caught his right eye, causing him to stop. A car drifting down the river, slowing filling up with water, with a family of Colleens inside! He stood still for a second before he knew what he had to do. He was on his own, and the car was in the water, the family inside, but that didn't matter to him. After all, he was a very good swimming. And maybe his water powers could help. "Don't worry! I'm coming!" He shouted as he ran rightwards towards the river, held out his arms/hands as he reached the fence, grabbed the top, moved his feet upwards onto the top in between his hands, leaning his upper body forwards over the water, and pushed himself off the fence, straitening his arms and legs upon release, and, took a deep breath, (a glass covering forming over his eyes) dived into the water. He swam under the water, swimming as fast as he could, the car now underwater, but not full up yet on the inside, then he felt something odd. Looking at his hands as he stroked, he saw webbing between his fingers! Moving his head downwards to fee his legs as he paddled them, he saw his feet had grown long orange fins from their tips! He then looked ahead, at the car and, his eyes narrowing in confidence, he threw his arms by his sides, straightened his legs, thus giving him a massive boost of thrust, surging him forward through the water, coming upon the car in a few seconds, moved his arms in front of him and grabbed the boot door button bulge with his hands. Despite the feeling the car being drifted down the river, he held on, moved upwards, letting go with his left hand and moving it up to hold onto the top of the car, then moved his right hand up, using this to move himself along the car's right side, looking through the windows to see the family okay but standing on their seats, their heads against the ceiling, the water now up to the door handles. Then he saw the Colleen daughter notice him. "Oh, its the Mighty Pups!" She exclaimed before she pulled her phone out of her chest pocket and turned around next to her parents. "Everybody say cheese!" She spoke, the dad smiling. "Cheese!" Zuma spoke muffled, still holding his breath, showing no sign of losing it, starting to realise his powers meant he could hold his breath for long periods of time. "Now is not a time for selfies!" The mother protested, the girl rolling her eyes before Zuma then got back to work. He knocked the the window with his left hand, getting them his attention, all three of them looking at him as he grabbed the door handle with his left hand. "Hold your breath." He spoke muffled, all of them doing so, before he pulled open the door, the water now flooding in, the water filling up in a matter of seconds. Just before the car completely filled up, Zuma moved in, leaded his back against the door side, his left leg wedged by the pillar and the right seat, his right leg in the front space, held out his arms, the mother and the father (him holding the girl) grabbed them. Then he moved around the door, pushing off with his legs as he moved, pulling them out past the door, as he moved and as soon as they were clear of the car, he paddled his legs to move them up quickly, reaching the surface in a second or two, the four of them gasping as they came up. "Don't worry, your safe now, just breath and I'll get you to dry land." Zuma assured them. After that, he swam them to the nearest steps by the river, and helped them get out first, nobly putting others before himself, feeling proud of himself. "Guess all that swimming wasn't a waste of time after all." Zuma thought in his head as got pulled himself up.

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