Chapter 15

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Here it is, chapter 15! Hope you enjoy it!

Rocky fished out the key to his flat/apartment out of his right pocket, put the key in the lock and opened it. "Dan? I'm home!" He spoke as he entered, closing the door behind him. "Hey, Rocky." He heard his father say, a bit more cheerful than usual. Rocky walked over to the lounge, saw his father sitting on the sofa, his forehead and muzzle wet, reading a newspaper. "Hey, Son. You okay?" Dan asked him, looking at him. "Yeah. Why? Cause of all that crazy weather?" Rocky asked back as he saw down on the sofa to David's right. "Mmmm. You see this?" He asked, showing Rocky the front page of the newspaper, which showed the Humdinger being floated in the air, the Migthy Pups standing around him, Rocky looking leftwards to see it. "Oh, yeah. The Migthy Pups. Good thing they were around. Heard the Mayor's facing criminal charges." Rocky spoke, pretending to be surprised. "Those Pups sure saved a lot of people. Me included. A tanker almost literally flew into me, but luckily the green pup, the one that's apparently a living magnet, stopped it. You know, funny thing is, when I saw him, he reminded me a lot of you." Dan said, looking at Rocky in a strange way. "Looks like me? Well, ain't that a coincidence, because there's no way I could be that guy. Come on, Dan! You must still be a bit drunk. I mean, do you really think I could be a superhero? I mean, if I was, wouldn't you be the first the know?" Rocky asked with a laugh, but Dan's expression remained unchanged. "Hmm. You know what I would say to you if you were that guy? Well, I'd tell him it's dangerous game your playing, so be careful. Then I'd tell him that he's hero, who saving a lot of lives, a lot mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. But the most important thing to know... is that his father's proud of him. And he's sorry." Dan spoke proudly and humbling, something Rocky had never heard him say before. "And what could his father be sorry for?" Rocky asked, unsure but was started to get nervous. "Who knows? Could be one thing. Maybe more than one. Maybe it's...that he hasn't been there for him when he needed him. For all the mistakes he'd made in the past and would promise to learn from them. For letting the grief of losing his wife hold him back from being the father his son needed. And most of all, for living in darkness while that son lived in sunlight." Dan assumed, Rocky having a surprised expression on his face. "Dan, what are you trying to say?" Rocky asked, his voice breaking, feeling a tear coming. "I made mistakes, Rocky. And I'm sorry. For everything. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I never gave you the love you deserved. And yet, you've stayed by my side you're whole life even though I was in the dumps. That I was so blinded by grief to see my son grow up to be the dog he is now. Every decision you've made in the past 16 years has been because of me and your mother. You worked hard, you studied. You're, ... you're a better, smarter and braver dog than I ever was. I can't believe it took being almost killed and being saved by you to finally make me see the light. I was too consumed with what happened to your mother to be the father you needed. Well, I'm letting it go, Rocky. And I want you to know... your mother would be so proud of you." Dan replied honestly and emotionally, and a moment later, Rocky (a tear rolling down his face) engulfed him in a hug. "I love you, Dad." He cried as Dan hugged back, calling him 'Dad' for the first time in a while. "I love you too, Rocky." Dan replied, eyes closed.

Everest stood by the shelves in her flat, staring at a picture before she took it off the shelf with both hands and held it in front of her face, looking dowanwards at it. It was a picture of her parents and her when she was born. She held a hand touch her right shoulder so she looked rightwards to see her uncle Jake standing besides her. "They would have been so proud of you." Jake spoke humbly. Everest had a confused expression on her face. "Everything. The Pup you've become, the athlete you are, the... the hero you are." Jake explained proudly. Everest's expression turned into one of confusion as she raised an eyebrow. Jake just chuckled back. "Don't even think about lying, Migthy Pup. Eve up there I could see you through that helmet." Jake added with a grin. "I can explain!" Everest then blurted out in worry, to which Jake chuckles again. "Don't worry, your secrets safe with me." He spoke with an amused smile.

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