Meeting him and finding myself.

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I've known I was trans since middle school. I always felt like a boy but never knew there was a term to explain how I felt, then I met bakugou. I met him at the park and something about him felt safe (if you look past the explosions). After that day I always found myself at the park and meeting my friend there. After a while he came out to me and explained what being transgender meant, and suddenly it felt clear. Like the fog in my mind had lifted and I was able to see past the confusion that was my gender identity. I say there for a while and I guess he notice because he got upset, not in an angry way but in a saddish way, or as sad as he could act.

"Look I don't care if you don't accept me, I could give a shit less, but if you're gonna say something then just say it so I can go."

My eyes widen as I realized how long I'd been staring at him.

"N-no! I wasn't going to say anything I just... um, I accept you but you just kind of gave me a new perspective on something and I'm trying not to freak out."

He looked confused, or he did until the look of understanding washed over his face.

"You're like me aren't you?"

It was shocking to say the least. All these feelings are flooding my body and I can't help the buzzing noises working their way out of my mouth.


"Sorry! *buzz* I can't help the noises, well I can but it's uncomfortable! But yea, I think I might be. I've never been able to put a word on what I felt until now."

My head jerks to the left while I leave bakugou looking shocked (no pun intended). I can't help the pit forming in my stomach as feel words forming in my throat. I try to keep them down but it's hard.

"Gay bitch"

This tic was funny when I was alone but saying it outright to someone's face was embarrassing.
Or it was until bakugou huddled over laughing

"Was that a tic?! Oh my gods that's hilarious!"

A smile forms on my face. Everyone hates my tics but him? He just didn't mind them. I burst out in laughter with him, my head jerking every which way.

"Y-yea it is, I've always thought It was funny especially because I usually say it when I'm alone"

That made him laugh again until he finally calmed down. His face is red from the laughter.

"So you're basically calling yourself a gay bitch? Oh that's even funnier"

A smile stay on my face while he sits next to me on the bench

"So, if you're like me then what should I call you? I'm assuming you want to go by something different now?"

My smile grows.

"Yea I would really like to, my name now's makes me feel uncomfortable, like it's not mine? I thought about what I could go by and I think I'd like Denki..."

My hands twitch with nerves.

"Alright Denki, what's your pronouns?"

No ones ever asked me that before. I guess because everyone thought I was a girl, but who can blame them when I look like one.

"Um, he/him!"

My smiles back and brighter than before.

"Alright, I'll remember that from now on! I would say remind me if I mess up but I never mess up, I'm perfect"
I can hear the sarcasm dripping from his words and laugh, my hand twitching again as I see no use in hiding them.
They swing around before hitting his shoulder.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

I try to inspect his arm but he interrupts me before I can.

"Denki it's fine, it didn't even hurt, okay?"

To my surprise he actually doesn't seem hurt, he just looks at me with a tiny smile that you would miss if you weren't paying attention. Gods he really is my best friend.


After that day we became inseparable, always coming round to eachother houses, though his was louder and mine was messy, we never minded and always enjoyed the time together. We both talked about where we would go after school and we both said we wanted to be hero's at UA. It wasn't a shocker to be honest. We both decided to make sure eachother worked hard and got to where we needed to be at the end of the school year, and we got there.
Both of us made it to the UA entrance exam and both passed, though I scored lower than him, he never teased me about it and celebrated both our victory's! Now we're both waiting at our houses to see if the acceptance letters come. We wait and wait but finally. Finally they arrived. I was overjoyed and I ran to his house as fast as I could and banged on his door till he opened it with as much excitement as I was showing!

"I got in! I got in kat! I got in I got in I got I-"

My smile falls a little when noticing he's not speaking.

"Wait.. please tell me you got in?"

He looks at me and starts laughing. He laughing.

"I'm joking denks I got in!"

"Bitch you scared me!"

My smiles wide, my hands moving.
Kats learned to back up a little as to not get hit but sometimes he just doesn't care. It's sweet.

"We're going to UA Denki. Together."

You wouldn't think of Kat as the smiling type but right now? His smile was as big as mine!

"We did it! When do you move in to the dorms?!"

"I assume the same day you do dumbass, march 26th"

Even when he's sarcastic he's still smiling

"No really I didn't think that? Obviously I knew! I just hadn't looked at the date, I ran as soon as I saw I got accepted!"

I roll my eyes and my head jerks to the side while holding out a middle finger.

"Should've looked before you barged in I guess"

My eyes roll again and my hand stays where it is

"Yea yea you know you're happy I came in!"

It's his turn to roll his eyes now.
After a few minutes we head to his room to talk about going together to move in and we fall into a comfortable loop of conversation.


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