I love you. (Gay)

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After that night we got closer than we already were. I came to his house often and me and mic got along well! Me and eri played often and Aizawa said it was surprising how fast she grew attached to me. It was fun, they were like a second family to me, a nice and kind and accepting one. Me and Shinsou continue our roof time lunches but eventually we invited the group as they were complaining about it not being fair and then they continue to say it was gay so we broke and let them come. It was still nice though. Shinsou and me still drew as the others talked about the day. Everything was perfect. Until she showed up.

"I'm here to pick up denji kaminari. I'm her mother, I was told to come here and talk to her teacher to collect her" her voice as rough as always. Her words made me shake. I slumped down in my seat and practically hid under the desk. Thankfully no one pointed it out. But kat noticed and had hate in his eyes when he ran to me to help me hide more.

"I'm sorry there is no denji kaminari im this class, there is however a Denki kaminari. Is he of relation to you?" Aizawa spoke calmly as I panicked.

"Ugh no, her name is denji kaminari, i gave it to her when she was born. I don't care if the little tr*nny wants to change it, I'm not letting her. Now where is she?"
Her voice is like a thousand knives cutting me over and over.
Aizawas eyes grow, along with the others in class.

"Look I don't give a single shit if you're HIS mother, you won't be collecting HIM now. No one calls my students these things. So I suggest you leave. NOW." He speaks calmly but you can hear the anger.

Kat is trying to calm me down as I'm crying and curling into myself. All I hear is the fighting and yelling. I don't make out what they're saying until I hear Kat speak. It wasn't to me though.

"Shinsou come here, I can't help but I think you can so come sit here and I'll stand to the side of you so she can't see him" oh.

I hear Shinsou move and get up.
Kat moves his hand but it's quickly replaced with shinsous.

"Hey denks, it's okay, breath with me okay?" He slowly grabs one of my hands and moves it to his h chest.

"Follow my breaths okay? Take a breath in, hold it, now out." I follow as he says and we stay like this until my visions a little less cloudy. The yelling is still going on behind me, now with a new voice which sounds like katsu. I shake a bit more and Shinsou notices how I cover my ears. He moves away but I can't tell where to until he comes back with head phones, he plugs them in and plays his music. Or I should say my music? This sounds like all the music I've played around him. But either way it helps. He turns it up until I can't hear the yelling and he grabs my hand again but this time he rubs circles into my palms. I close my eyes and twitch a bit, almost pulling my hand from his grip but I don't. We stay like this for a while until I feel stomping and I shrink into myself again as I fear who it could be but I soon see Kat kneeling beside Shinsou. I uncurl and remove the headphones. It's quiet.

"Where'd she /click/ go?" I say through my sore throat from the sobs I held in.

"To the hospital" my eyes flew wide.


"Yea. She kept saying stuff about you and Aizawa got tired of it when she tried to charge at him so he used his scarf and wrapped her up but he 'accidentally' threw her into the wall after she kept yelling rude things about you" Kats now sitting with me and Shinsous now moving me around so my head is on his shoulder.

my eyes look down at the scars on my wrists. They weren't even from me. They didn't know that though.

"I'm sorry you all had to hear her yell." Still looking down I feel someone pull me closer into a hug, I assume it's Shinsou.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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