I draw you, you draw me. Its only fair i get to see

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When kat left my room I played something on my guitar which was hidden in my closet (thank you kat for giving me your old one) until I got tired and fell asleep. I slept all night until I heard my alarm and someone knocking at my door. I turn the alarm off before literally rolling off the bed. I finally stand and make my way to the door and open it to see kat and the other three outside my door.

"You're not dressed yet?"Kat asks before coming into sit on my bed as the others make their way to sit on the floor.

"No I just woke up, what time is it?"

"7:38, I just figured you'd like some extra wiggle room with the time so you could eat something before we left" Kat states as he looks at the note Shinsou gave me last night.

"Right okay, I guess let me change and then we can go downstairs." I turn around but not before telling cat to drop the paper.

"Whatever, hurry up"
I quickly change and we all walk downstairs to get something to eat.

"Katttt can you please make me some food???"
I plead as I grab his arm. He grumbles, trying to wiggle free but I don't let go.

"No, now get off."

"Oh come on Kit Kat! For meee???" I give him the puppy eyes I know he can't ignore!

"Fineee okay what do you want?"

"Yes! Pancakes please!" I say before pulling a chair into the kitchen to watch him.

"Yea whatever." He says before getting the ingredients to make my food!

I hear Mina come up behind me so I look to hear with a smile!

"You know you two do act really couplely, are you guys together?!" She lets out a squeal before me and kat both gag.

"Him and me dating?! No he's like my brother! I'd rather put my hand in a cheese grader than date him!" I yell back in fake disgust.

"I wouldn't ever date short ass over here, like he said, we're like brothers." I take offence to the name but otherwise agree.

"I'm not short but yea what he said!"
Mina frowns for a moment before saying

"Aww I guess you two do kinda act like brothers, now that I think of it, you definitely do. You fight so much!"

"We don't fight! We bicker, there's a difference! Plus it's usually because we tease one another!"

Kat shakes his head in agreement before placing the pancakes in front of me.

"Thank you Kit Kat! I will forever be grateful that you have blessed me with your food!" I tease before digging into it without another word.

"See? We tease, not fight."


The rest of that morning is quiet, or as quiet as it can be with these people around. We're now in English and I find myself getting caught up in my new drawing. Before I realize it I'm being tapped on the shoulder by Kat and he's got that damn smirk on his face.

"So? You gonna keep staring at him or are you going to come to lunch?"

"Staring at wh-" I say while looking at my sketchbook. I drew Shinsou. I didn't even realize what I was drawing. I mean you can hardly tell who it is because it's the back of someone's head but you can definitely tell if you look hard enough.

And again my cheeks light up as I see Shinsou turn to look at where me and Kat are talking. I slam my book closed before he can see my embarrassment.

Kat gets up and waits for me to collect my things before walking to lunch. I can see Shinsou in the corner of my eyes watching as we walk away. He walks the other direction. Guess I won't see him for lunch.

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