The squad meets! (Plus a cute boy)

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Moving into UA was scary but exciting! I wasn't sure if people would stare at me, my tics were happening more and more and I was almost always making a buzzing sound when I wasn't talking to Kat, but to my surprise no one cared. People even came up to me and Kat and started talking to us!

A pink girl with yellow eyes walked up excitedly
"Hi! I'm Mina ashido! What's your guys names?!"

She seems nice!
Kat doesn't seem to impressed though.

"My names Denki kaminari! But you can just call me Denki!"

I look at Kat to answer but he rolls his eyes at me.

"/Bitch\ tell her your name!"

My head jerks to the side as the girls (now know as Mina) smile falls slightly. She probably thought I was being rude but Katsuki just looked at me while placing his hand on my shoulder before looking at Mina.

"Names Katsuki bakugou."

He barely looks at her for a minute before looking at me again as he can feel my movement under his hand.
More buzzes come from my mouth before Mina speaks.

"Nice to meet you both! But can I ask why you're making those noises? You don't have to answer if you don't want to!"

Kats face looks angrier. He's always stood up for me when someone said something.

"That's none of your damn busi-"

I cut him off before he can yell more.

"It's okay Kat, I can tell her! I have what's called Tourette's syndrome! It's a nervous system disorder involving repetitive movements or unwanted sounds! So I don't really want move or make the sounds I do but in the end it causes more trouble for me to try and stop them! That's why I make the buzzing noises and why I called Kat bitch earlier! Plus why I keep moving my hands and neck!"

I've been getting better at explaining it myself after my diagnosis!
Mina kind of just stands for a minute and I start to regret telling her but she soon says,

"Ohhhh okay! That makes more sense, thanks for explaining it to me! Would you like for me to just ignore the tics?"

She's very sweet.

"Yes please! Sometimes pointing them out can make it worse! And especially if someone copies my tics, then it'll become a loop of ticking!"

She smiles in understanding and kat looks proud!

"Alright! I typically don't copy something someone says anyways but if I end up doing something harmful please just let me know to stop!"

I'm about to say something when two other boys run up behind Mina.

"Mina, you can't just run off and leave your bags with us! You didn't even tell us where your dorm was so your bags are in kiris room!"

A black and red haired boy come walking next to her before noticing me and kat.

"Oh hey! You're bakugou right? I saw you at the entrance exam! Pretty manly moves dude! And I don't remember your name but I remember you face! You were hella awesome out there!"

The red haired boy stayed with a shaky breath, probably from running

"Thank you! My names Denki and this is bakugou! /bzz\ He doesn't talk much to new people but he'll talk more once he knows you!"

He looks confused on the noises I make but doesn't say anything!

"That's fine! Nice to meet you both! I'm Kirishima ejiro and this is Sero hanta!"

He says while pointing to himself and Sero.

"Nice to meet you both! /bzz/ /bzz/ are you both done with your dorms already?"

I ask while looking between the three people.

"No not yet, we came to find Mina after she ran over to you two! It looks like neither of you have even made it you your dorms before ms.nosy pants stoped yall! Do you want help bringing it to your rooms?"

Kat just stares at him, I seem pink climb up his chin but I'm sure the others don't notice. I let out a small laugh before looking at the others.

"Yea actually, Mina could you help me and Kirishima can help Kat!"

A small smirk grows on my face while I look at Kat whose face seems to be getting pinker!

"I do NOT need anyone's help!"

Before he can walk off I grab one of his bag and hand it to kiri before letting Mina grab a bag of my own.

"Yea yea /bitch!/ I'll see you later!"

His blush grows more as kiri follows him!

"Alight so my dorms 219! I think it's on the second floor!"

I say while looking at Mina whose now beside me

"Really?! Kiris also on that floor!"

We both chat before reaching my room.
I thank Mina for the help and ask for her room number so I can come check on her if she needs help later on!


After about an hour and a half I finally finish setting up my room! It's bright but not to bright, it's filled with posters and drawings of people I've come across, my ceiling is filled with fairy lights and paper lightning bolts that were taped to the ceiling! It's very calming if I do say so myself! I fall onto my bed and accidentally hit the wall. Before I can think about it I hear a knock on the door, not loud but loud enough that I can hear it.

"Hello?" I say as I walk to the door after pulling myself out of bed.

When I open my door I see a tall man with purple eyes and purple hair, or more lavender that dark purple. He's very pretty honestly.
I don't realize I'm staring until he talks.

"You okay? I heard a loud bang against the wall."

He doesn't look worried, he face is just blank but not in a bad way. More in a 'I'm a bad boy so don't talk to me' kind of way.

"Oh hey sorry about that! I layed down and accidentally threw my arm into the wall!"

His face doesn't change much but it changes enough to where it kind of looks relived? I don't know his beautiful face is hard to read.

"Alright just making sure you didn't get crushed to death or something. Would've been a bad way to start the school year."
He takes a moment after finishing his sentence to look behind me and look at my room I assume. His dull eyes glow with the light coming from within my room. So he walks away leaving me standing in my door like an idiot. Soon I hear my phone go off and I practically jump out of my skin before walking back to see who messages me. It's kat, of course it's kat!

💬I hate you.
💬why in the ever living fuck would you tell shitty hair to help me and say he could go to my room?!

💬I saw you blushing at him bro, don't hide the fact you think he's hot!
💬plus his hair isn't that different from yours you Pomeranian looking ass!

💬I'm gonna end you when I get to your room.


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