Chapter 1

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Phayu found his eyes drawn to the other side of the club once again. He had been surreptitiously watching the boy ever since he had entered the club. He was just Phayu's type, cute, with blond hair that barely brushes the top of his collar, big doe eyes and full lips that seemed to have a natural pout. Phayu wondered if those lips would taste just as sweet as they looked, he really wanted to find out.

Something about the way the boy sits slightly slumped in his seat and keeps his eyes on his drink tells Phayu something is bothering him. It's the reason Phayu has hesitated to approach the boy until now. He tells himself firmly it's none of his business, the boy has already waved away a couple of people who have approached him, he doesn't seem to want company.

Phayu sighs and skirts the dance floor. A couple people try to wave him over to their table, but he ignores them and heads for the boy.

"Mind if I sit down?" Phayu asks him.

The boy looks up and his eyes widen. He mouths the word handsome before he can stop himself. Then he blushes bright red and slaps a hand over his mouth.

Phayu smiles. So cute. "Thank you for the compliment, nong. Do you mind if I sit here?"

Still blushing, the boy shakes his head.

Phayu takes a seat and says, "I am Phayu, what's your name, nong?"

"I'm Rain," he gives Phayu a polite wai.

"So, Rain, do you want to talk about what is making you look so down?" Phayu asks.

At first Rain looks like he might refuse, but then he just sighs and says, "it's my birthday."

Phayu says with a slight teasing tone, "And that's depressing?"

It works, Rain smiles. That's better, this boy was born to smile. Phayu feels his heart skip a beat.

"No," Rain says, "It's just that my parents had to be out of the country for business. I don't blame them, and we will celebrate later, they promised. I just didn't realize being alone on my birthday would be so lonely."

"No friends to celebrate with?" Phayu asks.

"There's only my best friend and he's visiting his father in Lopburi for the summer." Rain says.

Phayu resists the urge to ask if Rain has a girlfriend or boyfriend. He doesn't think Rain would be here on his own if he did.

"What if we celebrate together, would you like that?" Phayu asks.

"Can we?" Rain asks brightly.

"I would like that. Do you want another drink?" He looks at the fruity looking thing that Rain has been sipping on. It looks disgustingly sweet.

Rain laughs at his look, "It's just a virgin peach daiquiri. I don't really like to drink alcohol. I'll just have a soda."

Phayu calls the waiter over and orders a soda for Rain and a whiskey neat for himself.

"So why didn't you go with your parents?" Phayu asks him.

"I only just got back in Thailand last week and I thought it would be a good opportunity to stay home and rest." Rain answers. "I have been attending university in Korea and it was an exhausting first year."

So he is probably only in Thailand for the school break.

"What are you studying?" Phayu asks him. Phayu isn't usually one to make small talk, but he finds he enjoys listening to Rain. He wants to know more about this cutie.

"Architecture." Rain says.

Well that is a coincidence. "I am an architect." Phayu tells him.

"Really, Phi?" Rain suddenly sounds very excited, "Will you tell me about your work?"

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