Chapter 3 It Starts Like Every Other Day

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First Day of the New Year at Willow Creek High and as expected of the new year a wave of students descended on the school some excited, some fearful, some indifferent but at the core all still curious of what this first day back would bring them. One such group are three friends, all wearing faded jeans, football cleats and the school's jersey shirt each with a different number, the school's name and the team name: The Badgers

"This school year is gonna be epic!!" said one of the boys with light brown eyes, long blonde hair tied in a ponytail as he fist pumped the air.
"I know Reed just imagine it football, babes, parties and of course plenty of fresh meat to grind" said the dark-skinned boy with bright red messy hair and a soul patch putting his arm around Reed

"Is that all you dumb asses ever think about?" asked the last boy in frustration at how the two people he calls his friends were acting. He had a very surfer-like appearance: Orange mullet-style hair, blue eyes and a face

"Hey were single, horny teenage boys we're not like you Chris, a ladykiller who already has a girlfriend fawning over him every day" Reed said with a raised eyebrow and a shit eating grin.
Chris simply looked at Reed with a confused look "What are you talking about I don't have a girlfriend?" he retorted back stopping as he had his hand on the school door.

"Sure you do Terra Walsh the Cheer Captain, she's always hanging around you and getting in close" Neil said with a pervy look on his face.

"That's not a girlfriend that's an annoyance and if I had a choice I'd make it so she would never bother me again" Chris said opening the door.

Neil and Reed looked at each other before turning back to Chris "You gay dude?" They asked in unison.

Chris let his head drop "What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" He asked rhetorically as he lifted his head back up, rubbing his forehead in frustration "NO! I'm not gay I'm just looking for a girl that appreciates me for me not what my social status at school is"

"Alright dude jeez just a question" Reed said holding his arms up in surrender alongside Neil
"come on or we'll be late you nimrods" Chris said pushing his friends through the door before walking into the school himself

*********It didn't take too long for the hallway to fill with students rushing around trying to get to their first class of the day, of course despite how in a rush everyone was they still made sure to clear a path for a certain group: That being Terra and her lackeys

"Ah High School, our kingdom where we reign as queens" Terra said with an evil smirk on her face.

"With our endless parade of subjects to worship us and anyone who doesn't will suffer" Lilian said chiming in

"Of course every queen needs her king and i see ours right now" Meg said seeing Chris, Neil and Reed at their lockers.

"Chris baby hi!!" Terra said running up to orange haired jock and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Oh uh hi Terra" Chris said in an annoyed tone trying to tear her off him while Neil and Reed looked at the scene unfold, holding back gut-wrenching laughter.

"Come on give mama some sugar" Terra said moving in for a kiss only to have Chris block it with his open palm

"Terra I've told you this a million times already WE...ARE...NOT...DATING". Chris said pushing her face away.

With an angered/annoyed look on her face Terra slapped Chris' hand away from her face "But why not! We're a perfect pair" Terra practically screamed with an angry pout on her face.

"Really? If we're such a perfect pair then what's one thing you know or like about me?" Chris asked crossing his arms.

"Um duh you're popular, I'm popular you see perfect pair now give me that kiss hot stuff" Terra said moving in again only to have Chris turn his back to her.

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