Chapter 7 Next Morning Reactions

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Melnick Household - Allison's Room - 8:45 AM

with the sound of the alarm clock Allison slammed her fist down on her snooze button before sitting up and stretching with a yawn before rubbing her eyes to help herself wake up. Of course once she finally opened her eyes she was greeted to all the changed made to her room "What the fuck!?" she thought as she started rubbing her eyes even harder thinking she was dreaming "What the fuck!? What's going on!?" she asked again with her jaw dropped to the floor before jumping out of bed

With a million thoughts racing through her head the only coherent one in Allison's head was "Gotta find out what the hell is going on" as she rushed towards the door of her bedroom but stopped just as she passed her brand new standing mirror to see the physical changes that occurred: Her hair was longer but only shoulder length long, her bust was bigger and more perky and she was a lot thinner but with clear muscle definition throughout her body, the kind you'd see on your typical female jock

The shock overcame Allison even quicker as she stared at her reflection for what seemed like hours until her face shifted to confused rage and screamed at the top of her lungs "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS GOING ON!?"


Around the same time that Allison was waking up her father was across the way in the bathroom shaving his five o clock shadow. Klein Melnick was a well built man with thick aging red hair that was styled in messy top fashion and a moustache. Klein works as an officer in the police department and like any father but especially a police officer one he was very protective of his daughter but once Allison turned thirteen he found he had to worry less with her safety the more she started acting more...tomboyish shall we say


Klein's awareness combined with his police training caused him to immediately rush down the hall to his daughter's bedroom upon hearing her scream


After her freak-out Allison took the time to calm down and examine the changes that happened to herself and her room and slowly her shock turned into legitimate enjoyment of her new situation

"I'm not sure how this happened but I'm starting to like it" Allison said posing in front of her mirror until her hair started getting in her face. "Could do without this long hair though" Allison said as she looked around her room until she found a hair tie laying on her end table and got to work in redoing her hair in a ponytail

"HONEY ARE YOU OKAY!!" Neil said barging into his daughter's room

"Dad what the hell!?" Allison screamed in agitation, covering herself but quickly calmed down when she reminded herself of the changes ("Ah dammit! How you gonna get out of this one ya red headed bimbo") she thought chastising herself while rubbing her temple trying to think up an excuse on the fly "Sorry dad, woke up feeling a" she said aloud while in her mind was thinking "Smooth as butter Al"

"Are you sure honey? I heard you scream rather viscerally" Klein pressed a little worried still standing in the door frame.

"Ya don't worry dad I'm fine" Allison said behind a smile, while a million things were racing around in her head

"Alright as long as nothings wrong" Klein said turning to leave "Oh right before I go you might wanna hurry and get ready that is if you're still going clothes shopping with your friends before school starts" Klein added before leaving to continue his shave

" shopping" Allison said trailing off, waiting for her father to leave for rushing over to find her calendar. Eventually she found a small office dog calendar on her computer desk and was staring intently at the date with wide eyes

'August 29, 2015'

The changes thus far were obviously shocking but not as shocking as the year on Allison's calendar: 2015, the year when herself, Ainsley and Mark began freshman year although this time with some vast changes: Whoever or whatever did this had given herself and her friends a second chance with new revamped lives "I bet Ainsley has something to do with this and I don't think my passing comment is just coincidental" Allison said taking out her phone and dealing Ainsley's number


Newton Household - Mark's Room - 8:45 AM

Unlike Allison, Mark's acceptance of the whole thing was surprisingly a little more...instant as he woke up he went through a similar wake up routine as Allison but rather than freaking out he just looked around at the changes to his room with a deadpan expression "Somehow I'm not more surprised by this and that scares me a little" he said out loud in a tired tone

As Mark got out of bed his phone started buzzing and saw texts from both Neil and Reed saying the same thing

[Hey man! We still doing football tryouts on the first day?

[Ya FOOTBALL!!, We need ya!

Mark was both stunned and confused that his tormentors were suddenly acting so chummy with him when only yesterday they were shoving his face in a toilet and texted back in annoyance

[How'd you asswipes get my number?

As he stood there looking at his phone, preparing for a response, he tried to figure out what was going on, whatever was happening it must've rewrote the memories of certain people

[....Dude we've been friends since middle school how would we not have you're number!

[Ya, so you gonna join?

"Why are they even trying to get me to join? I'm not even that...hold on a minute" Mark said in realization as he looked down at his body before rushing over to his mirror stand to see that he was in fact more buff than before. To say he was shocked to have the body of a jock was an understatement but nothing shocked him more by what was to come next

"Mark, you awake?" Mark turned in direction of the voice to see his now 10 year old brother Lewis wearing a Marvel Trinity Eyes T-Shirt and Spiderman briefs. At the mere sight of his now younger brother who was now much weaker than him the wheels in Mark's head started to turn and that

"Lewis.." Mark said with a grin on his face walking over to his brother and placing a hand on the boy's small shoulder and tightening his grip

Lewis looked up at Mark with a now fearful gaze *Gulp* "Yes" he said with cation in his voice, trying to wiggle free

"Come here!" Mark said shifting his body and grabbing a hold of Lewis' head in a headlock with one arm while holding his phone with the other and texted Reed and Neil back

[I'm in, meet you by the gym for football tryouts

"Bro! Come on! LET GO!" Lewis shouted pounding his fists to lessen Mark's grip but to no avail

"Aw is little Lewis afraid of his big brother's....NOOGIE KNUCKLES" Mark said in a gleefully mocking tone as he began scraping his fist across his brother's scalp

"OW! STOP!" Lewis shouted in pain trying to wiggle free

"Well if you don't like it I can always do this" Mark said tossing his brother out of his grasp and then grabbed onto the back of his underpants as he was falling, keeping him anchored.

"Please Mark anything but that Justin gives me enough of these as it is at school!" Lewis whimpered.

Mark recognized the name drop, Justin was actually Lewis' best friend when he was bigger but obviously like the conversation he just had with his tormentors the reverse was true for Lewis which secretly frightened him and hoped that Allison and Ainsley were still his friends

"Don't worry this'll be quick and PAINFUL!!" Mark shouted hoisting Lewis' Spider-man underwear in an upwards potion

"OAWAHH" Lewis shouted in pain.

"Take it like a man not a pussy!" Mark said as he gave a few more hard tugs before pulling back on his brother's underwear like a slingshot

"!" Lewis said in whimpering fear

"And bombs away!" Mark said letting go of his brother's underwear causing them to snap back in place with an equally loud


"OAHW!" Lewis groaned in pain, rubbing his lower half

Mark just looked on in satisfaction at getting his revenge "So what did you have to tell me dweeb?" Mark asked folding his arms

Lewis turned to look at Mark still rubbing his behind "Mom and Dad just wanted to know you were still going out shopping with your friends"

Mark was afraid which friends he was referring to and in that instance he knew he had to call Ainsley and Allison a call "Yes I am now get out of my room!" he shouted with authority.

"Alright I'm going!" Lewis said booking it at top speed out of Mark's room

Mark let out a deep sigh before calling the two people he hoped were still his friends "Fingers crossed" he thought pressing the dual calling on his phone


Pittman Household - Ainsley's Room - 8:45 AM

Ainsley woke to the sound of birds chirping before sitting up in bed with a yawn and stretching her arms ("Man I got way too good a sleep last night although I must've slept on something weird cause my back is killing me") she said getting out of bed and walking out of her room.

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