Life Switch Chapter 11 First Day: Tryouts Part One

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The first half of the day afterwards pretty much played out fairly normal for Terra and her friends after their morning encounters with Ainsley and Allison which made them realize that was just a warning shot, the bell signaled for lunch and students gathered in the hallway, some conversing among themselves, others headed for the cafeteria and others headed to clubs or other school activities


"So you're really going for it it Ains?" Allison asked leaning up against her locker as Ainsley was storing her books in her locker

"Of course why wouldn't I? It's not like I'm the same scrawny girl I was before, I may as well put it to use plus I need some kind of an after school/in-between activity" Ainsley said grabbing a gym bag with a white sports bra and black/grey yoga pants

"It's just no offense Ains but I distinctly remember you having a hate all jocks and cheerleaders policy so doesn't this make you just a tony little bit of a hypocrite?" Mark asked

Ainsley paused for a second before letting out an audible sigh "That was only ever partly true, trust me you guys aside I hate every jock and cheerleader at this school but there was one group that was always there to protect me any chance they could" Ainsley said zipping up the bag

"The volleyball team" Allison said a solemn smile on her face

Ainsley simply nodded thinking back to her freshman year shortly after "the incident"


Ainsley's Freshman Year - 1 Year Ago at the Time

"You're really gonna do this Ains?" Allison asked her friend as the three friends stood outside the gym doors hearing the sounds of cheerleaders practicing

"Even after what happened?" Mark chimed in, a nervousness in his voice

Ainsley simply rolled her eyes and groaned "Yes I'm not gonna let one little incident deter me from making the most of my high school experience" she said with an almost admirable if not naïve confidence

Allison and Mark shared a worried look "That wasn't exactly a little incident Ainsley and as long as Terra's on the cheer squad she will keep reminding you of your place on the ladder" Allison said rubbing her arm in concern

"That why I'm doing this to show I don't care about whether I get on the team as long as I force her to at least accept me for who I am, just watch me" Ainsley said entering the gym


Ainsley walked into the sound of cheers and among the group noticed her three tormentors: Terra Walsh, the cheer captain, Lilian Hursht and Megan Walters. Of course among the group where others who had also taken joy in Ainsley's torment since then: Kelly Yan; the Vice-Captain of the squad, Carmen Alegria someone you wouldn't think would make it onto the squad considering choice in clothing as well as attitude and Jacoyn Summers, who to the others credit had some modicum of intelligence but Jacolyn unfortunately fell into the stereotypical air headed mean girl trope, the only difference was her dyed pink hair

Ainsley simply sighed one more time before approaching the group "All right girls take five then we'll get back to it"

"Hey Ter look who's coming this way" Carmen said a grin on her face as Terra turned to see Ainsley approaching them

"Lil, Megs, Jac, Kell come with me" Terra ordered as she walked towards Ainsley, approaching her half way with the other four cheerleaders

"H-Hi girls" Ainsley said nervously but maintaining her determined stance

"What are you doing here loser?" Kelly asked as the four started encircling Ainsley

I-I've come to T-tryout" Ainsley said causing the girls to look at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter

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