Chapter 9 Adventures in Mall Shopping

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Ainsley didn't waste any time as she led her friends through the mall, a confident, almost sinister smile on her face while Allison and Mark were looking left and right at the variety of stores with different expressions on their faces. Allison was practically jumping in place alongside Ainsley while wondering where she should start while Mark was much more reserved with an awkwardly uncomfortable look on his face. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by Allison who hung back a bit and timing it perfectly, slugged Mark in the shoulder "Ow! What the hell Ali!?" he asked rubbing his shoulder in annoyance

Allison simply looked at her friend with a cocky smirk "Hey you were the one off in his own world so I had to get your attention somehow


Elsewhere three familiar people to Terra and her friends were sitting by a mall fountain albeit one of them with a vastly different appearance in this new reality: Carmen now dressed as your typical street punk wearing a black rock band t-shirt ripped at the chest exposing a bit of her cleavage covered by a motto leather jacket, Denim jeans ripped in squares on both legs in a fishnet pattern and a pair of studded black boots, lets just say if one thing was clear she had no intention of joining the High School Cheer Squad in this new reality

Kelly more or less remained the same light skin, long black hair tied up in a pony tail but her attire of choice did change to that of black pants or jeans and yellow tops or as she like to call it the Bust Bee outfit, her attitude however was less excitable cheerleader from the previous reality and well lets just say more modern day mean'll see soon enough

Then there was Jocelyn a member of Terra's cheerleading crew that largely went unnoticed by her and was just one of the pretty girls on the squad and really kinda just there to be a pretty face: Pink dyed long curly hair and a wardrobe to match, basically your stereotypical airhead that just got enjoyment from the pain of others but she didn't like to get rough either, she was more the social media member of the group who posted the embarrassing things her friends did to others

"God I am so bored!!" Carmen groaned as she popped a bubble gum bubble

"We could find someone to humiliate?" Kelly said texting on her phone

Ya and where we gonna find a couple good one's in this...huge...mall" Carmen said as upon turning her head laid eyes in the direction of the now nerdy looking Terra and her equally nerdy looking friends

"Well I'll be damned it's Tiny Tit Terra and her losers" Carmen snickered

"What you wanna do?" Kelly asked, a devilish smile on her face "Cause we should set the rules of the hierarchy before school starts"

"Lets go say hello" Carmen said motioning for her friends to follow as they walked towards the three now nerdy looking teens

"HEY GEEK PATROL!" Carmen shouted out

Terra and her friends turned in the direction of the shout before looking around aimlessly "I'm sorry are you referring to us?" Megan asked pointing at herself

"Ya obviously, what did you losers forget us already!?" Kelly jumped in as the three began encircling Terra, Lilian and Meg like sharks

it didn't take too long for a switch to click in Terra "Oh My God Kelly! Carmen! I've never been happy to see you!" she yelled rushing at her two "friends"

Of course a different kind of switch clicked in Megan and Lilian upon seeing their old cheerleading friends in the form of a shared but 'altered' memory to that of fear and dread


Harrison Heights Junior High - Gym - 1 Week Before Graduation

The giant athletic facility was packed with students but no teachers, this was a "private" event that the cheerleaders decided to put on as a final HURRAH and farewell to their fellow students and started off simple enough with a routine

"BOBCATS, BOBCATS BEWARE OUR PAWS!!" sung the cheerleaders at the top of their lungs as they did flips and and kicks through the air

"IF YOU COME TOO CLOSE WE'LL POUNCE BACK WITH OUR FANGS AND CLAWS!!" they sung further huddling together in a circle

"GO BOBCATS!!" they shouted raising their pom poms in the air

Immediately following that the group formed a crouching triangle with every cheerleader except the top one one all fours "HOW WE DOING THIS EVENING HARRISON HEIGHTS!!" shouted the head cheerleader: Kelly through a megaphone

"WOAAAHOOO!!" everyone in the crowd screamed

"Well in honor of this being our last day three students decided to come forth and tell us what their resolutions are going into High School" Kelly said in a more calmer tone, turning to the gym doors

Outside the Gym Jacolyn and Carmen had successfully stripped and tied up three students with jump rope "Quit squirming losers!" Carmen shouted holding both Megan and Lilian in a vice grip

"MMMPHHH" was all the two of the three could get out in their current predicament. Both were half naked, stripped down to their underwear: Megan wearing a SpongeBob girl briefs and bra set while Lilian was wearing Death Star boxer briefs accompanied by a black bra.

Of course they're choice in undergarments' wasn't even the most embarrassing thing about their predicament but rather that they were bound in rope and gagged with hot dogs in their mouth along with a simple declaration drawn across their bellies in lipstick. For Megan it was 'Forever Unloved' and Lilian it was 'Forever a Fatty Ass McLardTits'

"What about you? ready for your debut?" Jacolyn asked rhetorically in her usual bubbly happy tone, looking down at Terra who simply glared back at her captor. She was in the same predicament as her friends with the declaration 'Forever a Virgin' written on her belly in the same color lipstick and her Pokémon underwear set exposed with Pikachu's face on the crotch of the girl briefs and his red cheek circles on the bra cups

The door opened, a bright light flooding the darker hallway before revealing Kelly, hands on her hips and devilish smirk on her face "Bring the losers in" and on that order all three girls were pushed/dragged into the gym


*Back in the Present*

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