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Sierra's POV

"Ready?" Demi asked excitedly as the hair and makeup artist was doing some finishing touches.

"Hopefully," I answered, the nerves building up. "You look amazing," I said as I turned to see Demi.

"Thanks, but you look even better." I shrugged and looked down. Demi sat on her knees in front of me and took my hands in hers. "Look at me." I looked up slowly and eventually made eye contact with her. "You are so beautiful. And you're going to absolutely blow everyone away." She gave me a smile. "Okay?" I nodded as a nervous smile crossed my face.

"On in two," one of the stage managers came in to say.

"Thank you," Demi responded. "Let's wait off stage." She grabbed my hand and we walked together. I stood by Matt, who was already waiting offstage. We kicked him out of the dressing room when we started getting ready.

"You look great," Matt complimented me. I gave him a small smile. I was too nervous to talk.

A couple of minutes later, music could be heard throughout the whole building, and Demi entered the stage singing Neon Lights. The crowd went absolutely insane. There was so much screaming. It was nonstop. How do they do that for so long? Demi sang about five songs before she started to introduce me.

"So I have a special surprise," Demi said. The crowd got even louder. "So I love to watch dancing, I think it is so beautiful and fun. I brought a very special guest with me tonight. She has amazing beauty and talent. I am SO jealous of her. Let's please give a very warm welcome to Sierra." The crowd screamed and the lights dimmed. The crowd started to calm down as I gracefully walked onstage and took my opening position. My heart was about to beat out of my chest. A spotlight slowly grew on me, and the adrenaline kicked in. My heart skipped a beat as the music started to play, and my body moved along with it. I didn't even think about the movement, it was just muscle memory.

I did turn combinations for the first two eight counts. Then the lyrics came.

Put your makeup on, get your nails done, curl your hair, run the extra mile, keep it slim, so they like you.

I had missed this feeling. The feeling of being on stage and dancing in front of so many people. It felt like I belonged there. I felt so free. The nerves went away as I continued to dance with everything I had.

You don't have to try so hard, you don't have to bend until you break.

Before I knew it, I was already almost through the song.

You don't have to try, try, try, try.

I felt my head start to hurt, but I wasn't going to stop. I was almost done. I just need to make it through the rest of the song.

Do you like you? Cause I like you.

I finished my last turn sequence and flowed into my finishing sit. The crowd became loud, but it sounded so muffled. I got up and gracefully walked off the stage with a smile. As soon as I got off the stage, my adrenaline went away, and I immediately dropped to the floor. Everything around me was spinning. I heard muffled voices, but I couldn't tell where they were coming from. My vision was blurry. I couldn't focus my eyes in on anything. I felt someone grabbed a hold on my arm, and that's the last thing I remembered before my blurry and spinning world went black.

Demi's POV

I watched Sierra as she danced beautifully across the stage. She was so stunning and flawless. I could watch her dance all day. She came walking off the stage, and my arms were opened, waiting for her. As soon as she got off the stage, she dropped straight to the floor. Matt and I ran after her at the same time. "Sierra. Sierra!" I repeated over and over again. She wouldn't respond to me. I tried shaking her arm, and her eyes slowly started to shut. "Sierra, wake up for me," I said as I gently picked her up and cradled her in my arms. I looked at Matt, who was starting to get teary eyed. It was only then I noticed I was crying. Luckily, there is always a paramedic backstage at my concerts, and he rushed towards us.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know. She just got off stage and passed out."

The paramedic took us to the dressing room, where I laid Sierra's limp body on the couch. She was so light. The paramedic called for an ambulance.

"Any possibility she's dehydrated?" He asked.

"She drinks water constantly," I answered, still panicked.

"Did she have enough to eat today?"

"Yes. For about a month now, she's been eating all three meals."

I noticed Matt's face lose all color. "S-she was supposed to be eating lunch everyday?"

"She didn't?" I asked, shock starting to take over. He shook his head slowly. "All week she said she's been eating her breakfast at school." He swallowed hard before shaking his head again. "Oh no," I whispered as I put my hands over my mouth. "I thought she was okay. I thought she was okay. What have I done?"

"She we call her mom?" Matt asked.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"They're here," the paramedic said, ushering us out of the dressing room.

"Matt, call your mom and asked if she can pick you up at the hospital." He nodded and pulled out his phone.

How could I let this happen?

So those of you who said she'd pass out on stage were 98% right! ;)

Hope you like it.

Thanks for reading!

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