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Sierra's POV

I stayed up late on youtube watching videos of Demi Lovato. Her music is amazing! And she's hilarious. I really hope my mom  lets me compete. I'll be the youngest age there, but it would be an incredible experience. I decided that I should go to bed. One more day of school, then the weekend. I did my night time routine (Wash face,  brush hair, brush teeth, etc.) and climbed into bed. The next morning, I decided it would be better if I put my make-up on before going downstairs. After applying my usual make-up and curling my hair, I ran down the stairs to eat. I saw my mom already in there, so I slowed down before coming into her view. She'd get upset if I was too hyper in the morning. I make myself some toast and spread peanut butter on it. I quickly eat it without saying a word to my mom. I'm trying my best to stay on her good side as much as possible. I leave the house and run to the bus stop. The bus was just about to leave when I showed up, so I got on just in time. On the way to school, I daydreamed about dancing on a huge stage at an actual concert. Before I knew it, we were at school, and the day had begun.

Kelsie didn't say anything when I walked in. I tried my best to focus in class, and not day dream. I wanted this day to be one of the best. I had it all planned out. Hopefully, Cristal, the girl with the heart problems, will be at lunch today so I have a friend. The first four periods go by rather quickly, which is a good thing. I go to lunch, and Cristal is already sitting at our normal spot. I smile and wave at her, and she does the same. Then I get into the lunch line, pick up some lunch, then sit next to Cristal. The school food isn't that bad today, which is a plus. "Hi," I say as I set my food down and sit on the bench.

"Hey, Sierra!" Cristal replies.

"Were you okay yesterday?" I ask her. I know she has minor issues a lot, but I just want to make sure.

"Yeah, just yesterday morning I had to take a special pill that makes me feel nauseous when I eat, so I sat in the nurses office in case I got sick." The rest of lunch, we talked about random things that happened in random classes, which is pretty much all we talk about anyway. After lunch, I went to my last classes of the day, which also went by quickly. I had no troubles, that is, until we got on the bus. Tyler got on our bus this time, but he lives in the opposite direction that this bus go's. Tyler pretty much the same as Kelsie, except Kelsie uses her words, while Tyler uses his fists. He had to have been going for a specific person, and I feel bad for whoever it is. Once we got to the bus stop I get off at, Tyler comes, too. There are a few other kids that get off, though, so it doesn't mean that he's going for me. I get to the point where everyone else has gone into houses, and I find that Tyler is still here. Crap. He grabs my wrist and throws me onto the ground. As I try to get up, he pushes my back with his foot, and 'm back down on the sidewalk. I seemed to have scraped the side of my nose because it  burns and it's bleeding. I hear him laugh and run off, so I get back up and run to my house.

I walk in and see a man sitting on our couch. He isn't bad looking, but I wouldn't call him the most handsome man, either. I slowly close the door and walk over to the stranger. Then my mom comes in saying something to him, but I wasn't paying enough to grasp what she said. "Oh, Sierra, your back early."

"It's already 4:15." I tell her, not taking my eyes off of the man.

"It is? Well that went by quickly. What happened to your face?"

I put my hand back up to my face and touch the side of my nose. "Nothing."

She rolls her eyes, then turns back to the man. "Sierra, this is greg. He'll be living with us." She says as she puts her hands on his shoulders.

"Nice to meet you, Sierra." He says as he holds out his hand. I don't want to be rude, so I shake his hand, but don't say a word.

"Mom, can I leave for dance as soon as possible?" I ask. I want this day to be a good day again, and dance can fix that.

"Well, I don't see you ready." I turn around and run up the stairs. As quick as I can, I change clothes and put my hair into a bun. I wipe off my nose and touch up my make-up. Then I grab my dance bag and run down the stairs. I think I got ready in record time. "Bye, Greg, I'll be back in a few."

"Bye," He calls back, and my mom throws him a kiss. On the way to dance, my mom seemed more happy. I wasn't sure about this guy at first, but if he makes her happy, I guess he's okay. I don't want to ruin my mom's happiness, so I don't say a word. As soon as my mom pulls into the parking lot, I hop out of the car and run into the studio.

"Hey," I say as I walk in to see Ms. Clara.

"Have you talked to your mom?" She asks. She doesn't know about her mood swings, and I try to keep it that way.

"I haven't gotten  the chance to. She's really busy. Always on business calls and everything."

"Well, try to find out as soon as possible, okay? Room E is open today, if you want to go in and practice."

"Okay, thanks." I say as I head towards the dance room.

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