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I woke up from hearing whimpering beside me. I was lying on the ground in some unfamiliar place.

"Please, I'm hurt." That was Elena. I slowly raised my head and looked around at my surroundings. We are definitely not at my house. Damn it. Matt's going to steal my ice cream.

"I know." I see some weird guy say to her as she continues to squirm. "Just a taste."

"Trevor!" My head snaps to the voice of some woman. "Control yourself!" This Trevor guy gets off of the couch Elena was lying on. Wait, why am I on the ground and she gets a couch? "Why is she on the ground?" Thank you lady I don't know for pointing out what I was thinking.

She helps me up and sets me next to Elena, "What do you want with us?" Elena asks as she gets a little closer to me almost protecting me. For some reason she always felt like she had to 'keep me safe'. I tried to let her know that since she and my brother weren't together anymore she shouldn't have to feel this way. Also, I'm tougher than her... Damon said so.

"My God, you look just like her." The woman says as she stares at Elena.

"But I'm not! Please whatever you want–"

"Be quiet!" She snaps at her again.

"But I'm not Katherine!" Elena said again. "My name is Elena Gilbert, you don't have to do this." Elena started to walk towards the woman. I swear she has a death wish.

"I know who you are, I said be quiet." The woman responded to her.

"What do you want?" Elena asked once again. My God! Don't annoy them or we will definitely become their meal. The woman all of sudden smacks Elena and she falls back onto the couch. Well, I can't say I warned her. Well, technically I didn't.

"I want you to be quiet." The woman says then looks at me. "Don't try anything." I quickly nod my head probably looking like an idiot. As the woman walks away towards the creepy guy I start to poke Elena. I think she slapped the literal daylights out of her.

I see Elena start to flutter her eyes open a little, "---so you called him?" The Trevor creep said in the other room.

"No. I called one of his contacts. You know how this works." The woman responded almost snapping back at him.

"Did you, or did you not get the message to Elijah?" He asked her. Elijah? I have heard that name. Where have I heard that name?

"They say he got it."

Elena starts to get up and walk towards the other room where the two vampires are. "Elena" I hiss at her. She ignores me and continues to walk towards the sounds as I follow behind.

"I'm sick of running!" Trevors sighs out

"Well, running keeps us from dying! Elijah's old school. If he accepts our deal we're free." The woman responds. Elena takes another step causing the both of them to turn to us. "You! If you think you're getting out of here, you're wrong. There's nowhere for miles."

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asks.

"He's your worst nightmare."

"I don't know about that. I accidentally walked in on my grandma on the toilet after hot wing night." I mumble to myself, I look up and remember there are two vampires in the room with me. The two stare at me as I shrink some behind Elena.

"You got us." Elena decided to take the attention away from me. "We're not going anywhere. The least you can do is tell us what it is you want with the both of us."

"I personally want nothing, I'm just a delivery service." She said as she walked towards a table filled with books.

"Delivery to who? Elijah" God, why can't she keep her mouth shut?

"Two points to the eavesdropper."

"Who is he?" Elena started to walk further into the room and I followed her. Trevor was still creeping me out. "Is he a vampire?"

"He's one of the vampires, the originals."

"What's an original?" I ask before my brain even catches up with me.

"Again with the questions. Haven't the Salvatores been teaching you vampire history?" She asked the both of us.

"So you know Damon and Stefan?" Elena asks

"I know of them, a hundred years back my friend tried to set me up with Stefan, she said he was one of the good ones. I'm more of a sucker for the bad boys, though, but I digress. " She tells as

"Amen, sister. Something about them." I said as I recalled the times I was rooting for the bad guy in movies because he was just so hot.

"Who are the originals?" Elena asks again

"Trevor and I have been running for five hundred years, we're tired. We want it over. We're using both of you to negotiate ourselves out of our mess."

"But why us?" Elena asks again, I'm pretty sure I know why she's here.

"Because you are a Petrova doppelganger." Called it. The woman looks me up and down "We didn't plan on taking you until Trevor pointed out the similarities you shared with the girl."

"The girl? What girl?" I ask

"Elena, you're the key to breaking the curse." The woman ignores my question.

"Sun and moon curse?" Elena asks

"So you do know your history."

"What do you mean I'm the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse." Elena explained to the vampire.

"No, the moonstone is what binds the curse, the sacrifice is what breaks it." Elena and I were still confused, so she continued "The blood of the doppelganger, you're the doppelganger, which means to break the curse, you're the one that has to die."

"Tell me more," Elena told them

"Captivity has made you pushy, eh?" I hear creepy-mc creepers say as he joins our conversation. I step away from him and closer to Elena. "What do you wanna know doppalicous?" Ew. I swear the things that make me gag.

"Who are you running from?"

"The Origianls Elena! Keep up!" I respond to her

"But what does that mean Clare?" I roll my eyes at her

"The first family, the old world, Rose and I pissed them off," oh her name is Rose, "Correction I pissed them off. Rose had my back and for over half a millennium they have wanted us dead."

"What did you do?" I asked now intrigued.

"He made the same mistake countless others did. He trusted Katerina Pretrova." Rose glared at Trevor.

"Katherine" Elena and I said

"The one and only, the first Petrova doppelganger."

Trevor took over the story once again, "I helped her escape her fate. And now I've–sorry–we've been marked ever since."

"Which is why we're not gonna make the same mistake again," Rose said 

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