CH 6

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"Guess who's back?" Damon says as I walk up the path to his house. Stefan is at the front door and he turns to me smiling. I rush over and hug him as he picks me up spinning me around. "How come he got a hug, but I didn't?" Damon pouts as I'm set back on the ground.

"Stefan hasn't pissed me off every two minutes. He also apologized for staking Elijah the first time. Without giving some stupid excuse." I scoff at him as Stefan smiles over at Damon. I turn back to Stefan raising my eyebrows in question. "So, why are you standing outside and not inside?"

"We are giving the house to Elena. So she has a safe place; it's also so that we have a place to meet without any unwelcomed vampires entering." Stefan tells me

I nod and look between the two as they give this awkward smile. "Okay, obviously there is something you're hiding from me. Since I can't handle whatever is going on and I'm not part of the undead..." I start to walk to the front door and open it to let myself in. "I'm using your shower Stefan since I think Damon put cameras in his and the others!" I shout behind me as the door closes.

Third POV

Klaus, who is now possessing Alaric's body, starts to search through the history teacher's closet. "Who is this guy?" He muttered disgusted by what he was seeing, "Safari Sam?"

"Okay," Klaus muttered as he faced Katherine who was bound to a chair in the living area. "Bad or badder?" He asked holding up two shirts.

"The dark color suits you better," She scowled at him

"Oh thank you, sweetie!" He smirked and threw the other shirt. "Okay, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in Salvatore's possession, correct?"

"The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house." The doppelganger responded

"Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. That guy is a buzzkill." He finishes up getting ready and then walks over to her. "Now, what else?"

"You're on the outs with your girlfriend, Jenna."

"Right, Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel," Klaus looked at her again observing her. "Anything else?"

Katherine debated giving up information she found or keeping it to herself. She knew Clarissa was out of town due to Elijah compelling her. She had overheard Stefan explain everything to Elena. "That's it."

Klaus smirked, seeing she was hiding something. He reached out to stroke her hair and she flinched back, "so jumpy" he mocked her.

"Please, just kill me," Katherine begged "I've told you everything that I know."

"See, I believe that you believe that, but what would you not know?" He smirked at her, "What could they be keeping from you, hmm? Anything?" He bent down to look into her eyes, "tell me."

"They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to kill an original without a dagger," Katherine bit her lip before she could say anything else.

Alariklaus furrowed his eyebrows staring down at her, "Bonnie the best friend?" Katherine nodded afraid to open her mouth as she continued to bite harder on her lip.

"I thought you said she didn't have her powers anymore?"

"She doesn't. Or didn't" She looked up at him hoping he would finally leave her alone. "I don't know. You kidnapped me remember? I'm kind out of the loop."

He nodded as he searched her face to see if she was hiding anything else. She realized what he was doing and slowly dropped her head to look at the floor hoping he wouldn't catch on. "You're hiding something, Katerina." He almost sang mockingly to her. "If you tell me now, your punishment might hurt less."

Katherine swallowed her guilt for what she was about to do, apologizing to Clarissa in her head. "She's here Klaus." She whispered to the ground.

Alariklaus furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms trying to figure out what she meant. It took him a moment to realize and he gripped onto Katehrine's chin and raised her head to look at him. "Tell me every single detail you know of her whereabouts." He breathed as he tried to keep his temper.

Katherine whimpered from the pressure, "Matty is her older brother. She and Jeremy are best friends. Elijah found her when she was kidnapped by Rose and Trevor. He eventually compelled her to leave town."

He let go of her chin and started to pace back and forth. "If Elijah is daggered. That means her compulsion wore off." He spun back around to her, "Where is she now and what's her name?"

"I don't know if she is here in Mystic Falls, but she was sent to a music program in New York. Damon has all the information." Katherine told him and she took a breath and told the hybrid the name he had been waiting to hear, "Clarissa. Her name is Clarissa, but Alaric calls her Clare as almost everyone else does."

"Clarissa" He tries out the name. Elijah never gave him the name when he was watching over her. He refused to give any information, which Klaus later regretted. "Clarissa." He smiles as it rolls off his tongue and tastes almost like honey. 

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