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I sat back on the couch and Elena was sitting next to me. I started to pick at the cushions until Elena nudged me and showed me a crumpled note.

Damon and Stefan are coming for you


"He's here." Trevor burst through the room in a panic. "This was a mistake."

"No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me."

"No! He wants me dead, Rose!"

"He wants them more." Rose pointed over to us and I felt Elena grab my hand. Usually, I would shoo her away, but I really needed the comfort.

"I can't do this. You give them to him, he'll have mercy on you. But I need to get out of here!"

"Hey. What are we?" Rose looked at Trevor.

"Family" he breathes out

"Forever," Trevor adds to it. I hear a small voice whisper Always and Forever I look around and see no one. I don't think I have ever heard that phrase so it couldn't have just been in my head.

We heard a knock on the front door and Rose left the three of us.

I stand in the center of the room continuing to hold Elena's hand as we try to listen to the conversation going on in the other room. We start to hear footsteps and Trevor moves to the opposite side of the room.

Elena turns around to look at me and whispers, "Hide. I might have a plan." She pushed me behind the couch. Like this is going to work Elena. The man is an old vampire. I'm pretty sure it will take three seconds to find me. I roll my eyes as I stay crouched behind the couch.

I hear the door creak open and the sound of wind blowing by.

"Human." I hear a whisper, "It's impossible. Hello there." I cover my mouth with my hand as I recognize the voice. "Where's the girl you spoke of being of importance?" I hear him say.

Before anyone could respond to him, I stood up behind the couch and looked at him. Tears start to fall from my eyes as I can't help but smile a little. My mentor was standing there in front of me. "Elijah?" I say as I try to hold in a sob

He stares at me in shock before he settles into the smile I always found so much comfort in. "My little songbird," he says to me as he opens his arms, I rush to him as he hugs me and I cry even more. I thought I would never see him again.

I pull back and look up to him with my red puffy eyes. "I thought you left me for good? What are you doing here?" I look up at him and see him frown a little at my questions as I take in the surroundings again.

"I will explain on our way. We have a long journey ahead of us, we must be going."

I stand there in shock replaying the events of today, yesterday, and my time at the music academy with Dr. Elijah Smith. I get so caught up in my head I don't realize anything that has happened at the moment until I feel a hand grab me and pull me to them.

"Don't look, Clare." I hear Elena say and blink my eyes to see what I have missed. On the floor, I see Trevor's head. Nobody connected to it, just the head.

"Come," Elijah says to us

"No, what about the moonstone?" Elena said using her body to shield me. He looks at this gesture annoyed almost, then back to her.

"What do you know about the moonstone?"

"I know that you need it, and I know where it is."

"Yes," he said to get her to continue

"I can help you get it."

"Tell me where it is" I can tell he is getting irritated and Elijah upset is not a good thing.

"Are you negotiating with me?" He says and takes a step towards us as Elena moves us back a step. He saw Elena's necklace around her neck. "What is this? Vervain around your neck?" He ripped the chain off and threw it to the ground as my hand immediately grabbed onto the bracelet Damon gave me last month.

"Tell me where the moonstone is." He compelled her

"In the tomb underneath the church ruins," Elena responded

"What is it doing there?"

"It's with Katherine"

"Interesting." He responds and then looks at me noticing the hand that I'm clutching as if I had been wounded. A loud glass shatter type of noise happens and Eljiah asks Rose what it was

"I don't know" She responds as I realize it's Stefan and Damon. I turned to Elena and noticed she mad e the same conclusion.

Elijah grabs Elena's forearm and holds onto my hand. He leads us to the room from where he heard the sound. One of the brothers speeds around and Elijah hands Elena off to Rose but keeps me next to him.

"I don't know who it is," Rose stressed again as she gripped Elena tighter

"Up here" A voice called out grabbing our attention, Elijah sped to the top of the stairs leaving me at the bottom until a new voice called out "Down here" He was searching for them around the edge of the stairs. I was about to scream at him before I was grabbed and rushed out of the room.

I look up and see Damon as he keeps his hand covering my mouth. He smiles as I relax my shoulders. He kisses the top of my head as he whispers to stay quiet.

"Excuse me, to whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think you can beat me. You can't. You hear that? I repeat—" Elijah says and I hear a sound of something breaking "--you cannot beat me. I want the girls on the count of three or heads will roll." I hear more of snapping and things breaking "Do we understand each other?"

Elena moves to the top of the stairs from her hiding spot. Damon pushes me behind him to keep me from following her. He didn't have to tell me twice.

"I'll come with you, just please don't hurt our friends, they just wanted to help us," Elena says to Elijah.

"Where is Clarissa? I will not leave without Clarissa." I take a step towards them, but Damon pulls me back once again. I hear an explosion as Damon holds onto me from moving.

Stefan shoots Elijah with a stake and all I heard was some grunting. He kept shooting until I saw Stefan jump at him. Damon speeds to help his brother and I hear another groan. I rushed out to see what I missed, I looked down to see Elena, Damon, and Stefan. The three of them are all staring at the same thing.

I turn to see what it is and a small gasp eclipses my lips. I feel more tears come from my eyes and my legs start to give out. I feel a gush of wind and arms hold onto me as they help me slowly sit on the steps.

"She knew him," Elena said as she watched me crumble.

"Rissa," Damon whispers to me "Are you okay?" I shake my head and start to slow down my sobs. "Do you want to talk or would you like to leave?"

I pull away and look back down to see Elijah staked and grayed. "Can I have a moment alone with him?" I look up to Damon and he nods. "I can call Matt for a ride when I'm ready. I just need to say my goodbyes."

Damon, Stefan, and Elena leave as I stay at the bottom of the stairs looking at him. I slowly get up and walk towards his body. "Elijah," I whisper. "We never really got to say goodbye. All I really got was a note that your replacement gave me." I stand in front of his body and start to feel another sob. "You were my best friend, and like an older brother to me. Don't tell Matt." I giggle as I feel the tears start again. "I will miss you every day. I just wish you had given me a better explanation for your leaving other than family issues. Clearly, there was more to it." I decided to reach out and pull out the stake.

"Sorry," I whisper as I toss it to the side. He's dead Clarissa. I hug him and whisper, "I love you and will miss you." I pull back and then make my way outside. I called Matt and he already tells me that he was on his way. Elena called him is my guess. 

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