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he came too far in the story now
between every twist, you're his favourite now

"Aera where are y-Taehyung?"
He was in love with his name at the moment when she called it.
She was forced by Aera to meet at the flower shop near their house which was odd for Eunji but whatever the girls do is usually odd so anyway, she agreed. But it was Taehyung waiting for her at the shop instead of Aera.
"Where's Aera?"

"Sorry for a little lie, I just wanted to spend some time with you" Taehyung smiled softly stepping forward.
"I want to take you somewhere" he held his hand out for her but she looked hesitant.
"My love is beyond the attraction of bodies, I've come so far... You can trust me" his eyes held truth, and so did his words.

Eyes never lie.

Eunji held his hand making a shiver run down both of their spins, the first touch of love is always magical.

They were holding hands and walking silently next to each other. It was a walk of fifteen minutes, and then they reached a small library. It wasn't the one Eunji used to go to, it was a new one.

"Hmm, come" he took her inside, there wasn't any soul present there, neither any student nor a librarian, just them and the world of books.
"You can read out loud now and I can sit here listening to you peacefully one will stop you reading the book and no one can stop me reading you" Her cheeks turned a dark shade of pink at his words.

It was the day Eunji realised, she too had come far in this path of love.

Till the evening she read the book and Taehyung just listened to her, looking at her like she was his destiny he had reached.

And he got his destiny right?

"So, what is the plan for the future, son?" he sipped on his tea while looking at his elder son sitting in front of him.
"Well, I thought about our fi-" Seokjin was cut off in his sentence.
"No about that Jin, about your future"

"I am sorry, I didn't get you"

"You like someone?" his eyes widen at the question.

"Uh...d-dad" he was debating whether he should tell or not.
" It was Eunji, innit? "the thoughts of his train stopped when he heard her name.
" H-how? "

" I am your father, Jin" Mr Kim chuckled at his son "The boy who doesn't talk to girls was staring at our Eunji from far away at Jimin's wedding hmm" The words and the smirk caught Seokjin off guard making his ears turn red.
"Yes Dad, I have feelings for her but her feelings matter too, if she likes someone I will happily back off cause I wanna see her happy"

"Don't worry son, she is the kid that grew up in front of us"
Mr Kim smiled reassuring his son.

"Finally I got you my destiny" he smiled on his own taking a sip of his tea.


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