Chapter #8

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the fate we have is deaf and blind
a monster that kills not caring 'bout the wails and cries

What is anxiety?

She learned the meaning of this word for the first time when she was waiting for her father in her room, desperate.
"He loves me, he will say yes, of course" She rubbed her palm trying to lessen the feeling building inside her stomach.
"He wi-oh appa! Good evening" she smiled, looking at the male stepping into her room with a bigger smile than usual.
"I have to tell you something," both said simultaneously, followed by chuckles from both of them.
"Okay say what you want" Mr lee said running his fingers in her hair.
"No you say appa, you are the old one here"

"Just like your mom" he chuckled "Okay, I'll say...I was in the Kim mansion" he saw how her cheeks grew pink suddenly.
"So, Lihun asked your hand for his son"

'Is this happening, Taehyung told them already?' her heart was beating at the fastest pace ever.

"He wants you to be Jin's wife, aren't you the luckiest? Jin is the best match for you. I am so happy"



"Yes, our Seokjin who else? Now tell me what were you about to say?"

The smile on her face was no longer there, her heart sank in her chest and the stars in her eyes were no longer there.

"B-but...I lo-like Taehyung" Her tongue wasn't supporting her words but she managed to tell her father yet she didn't mention love.
"WHAT?" the grip on her arm tightens.

"Yes...i-it's taehyung not Seokjin"

"Are you out of your mind Eunji?! They ask your hand for Jin and now my daughter wants me to go to them and say ' We don't want Jin we want Taehyung', pathetic"

"We both share mutual feelings, father" she whispered but audible enough for him to hear.
"Oh God, You promised to bring my dignity down huh? I'll marry you off as fast as possible." He stood up leaving his arm but she held his sleeve.
"Please Dad, I'll die"

"Then I'll bury you with my own hands but I won't bury my dignity"

"You won't leave this room, tomorrow is your engagement with ready"

The continuous tapping on the marble floor was now irritating Aera. Her brother's and her best friend's lives were getting ruined in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything.
"I am going to call her" She pressed her soft palm on her brother's knee to stop its movement.
"It's already night and you are just sitting here doing nothing while our fathers planned the engagement"

His breath hitched at the thought of Eunji being with someone else.

The girl called Eunji, put the call on speaker while taehyung just started at the name of the screen.

"Hello, Eun"

"Is he near you"

Taehyung felt tears pooling inside his eyes, her voice sounded so weak like she had been crying for hours. Taehyung shook his head silently telling Aera to say no.

"N-no...I called you caus-"

"I know"

"Are you okay?"

"You know Aera, love is like burns and turns the person in ashes... it not a burden but it weighing me down...first Taehyung and Now Seokjin's father's pride and Uncle Kim's decision"

"You like him so much"

"If anyone asked me this before today I would say yes I like Taehyung...but now if anyone asks me this I will say no...I love taehyung...I love him Aera"

Taehyung stopped up wiping his eyes as soon as Aera cut the call.
He needed to talk to Seokjin, his hyung who always listened to him and cared about him like a child.

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