Crazies... He Got a Wild One - 14-05-2024

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A few days ago, on the 12th precisely, Joe and his girlfriend got into one of the most heated and fucked up arguments I've witnessed in my entire life. An argument filled with a lot of "Fuck-Yous" and tears.

Now that I think about it, I'm disgusted as fuck. It was kinda different then. I just plugged in my headset and watched a movie through all their drama.

From the little stuff that filtered through my headset, Joe was compelling her to "hustle", to accept a job he and his friend worked out for her. She resisted the nudge and declined the offer with some accusations of Joe being demeaning with his words.

Joe was implying that she does something, anything, so far it's legal, to add to the house's income and take care of herself too. She implied he was insensitive and didn't care about her feelings by asking her to do "anything". Said the job he got her was going to put her in an uncomfortable position where she had to rely on someone else, and she wouldn't stoop so low to do that.

It was all so fucked. A simple discussion that could have been handled in a few minutes of sane conversation.

This was one of those periods where I felt proud of my bro. Nigga handled his shit like the fucking ocean that we are; calm but deep. He never lost his cool. His babe was ranting and crying, shouting and screaming at some point, and nigga was just lying and trying to catch some sleep.

I think that shit messed her up real bad. You know when in a fight, you're trying so hard to get a reaction, and the other party's just chill and zen mode? Babe said he made her look like a fool, like she was crazy.

But really, you're acting all crazy right now, babe. You're both the triggered and the triggering one.

And she almost drove me to reaction with the last step she took. When she saw he wasn't responding to her vibe, she wailed, got up from the bed, took something and threw it at him.

Like, bitch, we don't do that shit here. Maybe where you come from, violence was the way. Baby, not here. Nah. Her luck was that it didn't touch him. And the fuck! It was directed at his head. It missed him by some inches. I don't know what I'd have done if shit had gone physical, but I'll ALWAYS choose my brotherhood over anybody. ALWAYS. Just so we're clear. BROTHERHOOD FIRST!

Light asked me why I didn't do or say anything to quell their argument. In my head, I had this answer.

"You watch a movie so many times, there comes a point you recite the lines word for word. You know exactly how it's gon end."

She chanted the break-up song, and did the break-up dance. But I knew what I'd always known. She needed him. He didn't need her. And that's a sloppy dynamics for one with a lot of anger issues and hot temper.

I left for work, came back late at night, and there they were, cuddling so peacefully in their sleep. So much for "I don't want to have anything to do with you again."

Yesterday was her birthday. Tee. She was all mushy around Joe, you'd think someone swapped their souls. Where did all that energy of the previous day go to?

Now, I dread her. She's a volatile explosive. A time bomb. An open keg of gunpowder. A leaking gas pipe. I walked home yesterday, and I had this weird image playing over and over again in my head;

Of Joshua lying in blood, a knife in his chest, and her belongings gone along with her.

As if to drive home my fear, I got home and she told me she best her chicks to death. 2 out of 3. "It was a mistake. I didn't know they were so fragile. I hate it when they play at the dump site. They should have known. Am I crazy for thinking this? Am I monster? I feel like a monster."

While she rambled away, my fear for Joe's life increased.

He's in a seemingly toxic relationship with a potential harmful partner (at the moment). I don't know if he sees things for what they are.

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