AI/ML Progress

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Like a dry sponge in a bath of water, I'm soaking up this knowledge like crazy. Like my existence this year depends on it.

I've subscribed to 5 newsletters. One of them publishes articles and news in the AI space 3 times a week. Others send in theirs once or twice. That's an average of 10 emails with several kinds of industry news a week.

When I read them, I understand the language (English) but sometimes get lost in the technicality of what's being discussed.

Yet, I read them still. I keep consuming them. It's far better than mindlessly scrolling through the gram or Facebook or WhatsApp status friends.

I can't remember mentioning here that I froze my Facebook and Instagram apps. I'd have done the same for WhatsApp but that's the major communication channel at work. I archive the app when out of work and only use it when sending or receiving important info while I'm on duty.

It's been an eventful ride so far in this space. I love that I'm learning without the pressure of expectations. It makes my learning voracious.

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