Chapter Seventeen

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"OMG you're officially a law school grad!" Sydney squeals, pulling Aurora into a tight hug.

The recent law school graduate grins widely after the two pull away from their embrace. Sydney had attended the graduation ceremony earlier on in the day. She sat with Aurora's family, which was a bit awkward when she jumped out of her seat and yelled at the top of her lungs when Aurora's name was called. Aurora's conservative Chinese American family loves Sydney, but sometimes even she knows she can be a bit much in their eyes.

After the ceremony, Aurora went to eat lunch with her family while Sydney hung out with her other friends from law school. Sydney caught up with Camilla and Dalton, her closest friends from her first-year classes. The three caught up on the latest gossip in their graduating class, bitched about their least favorite professors this past semester, and discussed Sydney's life in New York. It was a bit awkward talking about her current internship to friends who knew that she had to drop out because she could not get acclimated to the curriculum at the school. However, Camilla and Dalton seem very accepting and supportive of her chosen path.

Aurora met up with the group after her lunch with her family and they decided to go to a mutual friend's house party to celebrate. The group had just arrived and taken their first shots.

"Yeah, I have a whole summer of bar prep to look forward to," Aurora groans in agony.

Sydney does not envy her friend at all. The biggest relief in dropping out of law school is avoiding the pressure of graduating and immediately having to study for the bar exam. At least Aurora has this weekend to look forward to.

"But for now, we drink until the sun rises again!" Camilla exclaims.

Aurora shakes her head.

"Unfortunately, I can't. I have a late dinner with the family at like 7:30 tonight."

Sydney pulls Aurora into another hug.

"Well, at least we get to have you for the next couple of hours!"

Aurora grins at Sydney appreciatively. She really looks forward to moving to New York City and living closer to her best friend.

"You get to have me more after I move, you know?"

"Yeah, but you'll be studying for the bar, and I only get you like once a week... assuming you take a day off per week."

"Fair," Aurora sighs in defeat, "but I'll be closer!"

Camilla and Dalton bring the pair another shot of vodka. Sydney releases Aurora to take the plastic shot glass from Dalton's hand. Aurora quickly does the same.

"You guys make me want to move to New York City," Dalton says enviously.

Sydney turns to him and downs the shot.

"Do it then."

"You know I can't! My life is in LA."

Camilla scoffs.

"When he says, 'my life,' he means his daddy's law firm."

Camilla is right. Dalton's father owns a law firm in Los Angeles, and it has always been the plan for him to work under his father after graduation.

"I really want to move to New York City to be with you guys," he says.

Sydney doubts that Dalton will get accustomed to the life in New York. He grew up in California and has never lived in another state. Dalton is too laid back to fit in with the fast-paced lifestyle in the city. However, having him around will expand her social circle beyond the other interns at work. Jade may just stop feeling bad for her and arranging pity hangouts with her.

Besides, she used to hook up with Dalton during their first semester of law school, so having him around might just help her keep her mind off Ryan.

"Gotta stand up to your dad first, bud," Aurora lightly slaps his upper arm.

"Hey, don't act like you can stand up to your family either," Dalton shoots back.

Aurora folds her arms across her chest.

"Oh? And what do you mean by that?"

"Does your parents know that you have no interest in marrying some Asian-American lawyer or politician in San Francisco or something?" Dalton challenges.

"Taiwanese American, specifically," Sydney cuts in.

Aurora huffs.

"I've never been in a relationship before so let's not write this prime Taiwanese man off just yet," Aurora says defensively.

Sydney chuckles.

"When you move to the city, you know who you need to be hitting up."

Aurora looks at her knowingly but shakes her head.


"Did she tell you that she and Igor Shesterkin were acting all flirty towards each other when she visited last time?"

Dalton balks while Camilla tilts her head in confusion. Aurora flushes.

"Wait, seriously? Dude, that's the best goalie in the National Hockey League right there!"

"You got that right!" Sydney winks at Aurora.

"Stop guys! I need to focus on studying for the bar, not pursue a man I have zero shot with," Aurora dismisses the idea quickly.

Sydney looks at her friend in disbelief. With the way the Russian goaltender was looking at her that night at the bar, there is no way Aurora has zero shot with him. She suspects that Aurora is too scared to pursue him and too focused on her career.

"Guys, he literally could not keep his eyes off her," Sydney gushes.

Camilla squeals and hands Aurora a solo cup. The recent graduate takes the drink from Camilla's without hesitation.

"What do you know? You were drunk and flirting with other men all night!"

"Ok, but like when I managed to see you guys talking, I saw him!"

"Well apparently, he could. He has not texted me once since I left New York!"

Sydney walks over to the table to help herself to some jungle juice.

"He's a professional athlete, he probably tunes everything out during the season," Sydney justifies.

"Besides, he's having a rough season so far," Dalton cuts in.

Sydney turns to glare at him.

"What? He went from a Vezina caliber goaltender to letting in three goals per game on average?"

"He'll turn it around," Sydney snaps at him.

"Hey, it's not like I made any comments about your brother not living up to his 52-goal season..."

"Dalton, I swear to God..."

Dalton raises both hands up defensively.

"I'm done, I'm done!"

Sydney takes a long swig from her drink as some of her former classmates walk over to their group to mingle with Camilla. Camilla gets pulled into a conversation and is no longer paying attention to the conversation in their group.

After a few moments, Dalton excuses himself to use the restroom, leaving Sydney alone with Aurora. Aurora takes this opportunity to pull Sydney away from the crowd and to a quiet corner. It has been a while since the two hung out alone in person. She did not have a chance to spend quality time with Sydney given the festivities surrounding her graduation. Now is the chance for her to speak to Sydney about the topic she really wishes to discuss.

"How are you, Syd?"

"I'm okay!"

Aurora glances around to make sure no one else is within earshot. When the coast is clear, Aurora continues.

"How're things with Ryan?"

Sydney expression changes instantaneously. All of a sudden, she looks dejected. This concerns Aurora since the last time they spoke about him, Sydney was still in denial that this arrangement is nothing but casual. It appears to her that something has changed in Sydney when it comes to Ryan.

"Good, I guess? I am a bit concerned that this is becoming something more," she quickly stops herself before she goes too far.

If she says her feelings aloud, it will be out in the universe and taken as the truth. It will become a thing when Sydney very much prefers it not to be.

She is beginning to think that she is catching feelings for the blonde defenseman, even if this is the last thing she wants. That feeling from the night at The View lingered beyond that weekend. She thought she was going to have time to get over it. Unfortunately, it only got worse for her. Earlier this week, she went on a run with Ryan. During the whole run, all she wanted to do was spend more time with him. She did not even need to have sex with him. She just wanted to hang out with him, play a round of Mario Kart or mini golf, or anything. It is not normal.

She enjoyed his company more than she had hoped, and now she is afraid that this is going to be more than a friends with benefits situation. It is extremely likely that Ryan does not feel the same way. She had thought he might have felt something when he was visibly jealous about her dinner outing with Adam. Turns out, she was the one who ended up jealous and hurt.

"Syd, are you even listening?"

Aurora's voice brings her back to their present conversation.


She groans.

"I was just expressing my concerns. If you are running the risk of being emotionally attached to someone while you are just hooking up, you either need to act or let it go."

Sydney cannot see herself letting Ryan go. However, she knows this is something she will have to do eventually. If she continues on this way, she will get hurt. The last time she gave her heart to someone, it got broken. It took her longer than she had wanted to get over it. Sydney will not go through that again.

"I know," she sighs in defeat, "I cannot let it go on like this."

Aurora's expression softens as she pulls Sydney into yet another hug. She can tell her best friend is torn. Sydney had been in denial that there was a spark between her and Ryan. Aurora saw it plain as day, but Sydney was adamant that what she had with Ryan would never exceed casual sex. Sydney knew there was passion, lots of it, but the deeper emotional connection she felt with him was certainly not expected.

"Alright, I'm glad we established that."

"When you move to New York, you can help police me. I might just go back to my hoe phase," Sydney downs the rest of her drink after she is released from the embrace.

Aurora shrugs.

"As long as you don't catch feelings."


"And maybe we can move in together after I take the bar!" Aurora suggests.

Sydney stops at the suggestion. The two never discussed what would happen once Aurora moves to New York. It did cross her mind that she would have to move out of her brother's place eventually. She is not making enough money at her current job to afford a place on her own, so she never took action. However, Aurora's suggestion is actually a good one. Of course, she has to give Aurora her space when she is studying for the bar. This is precisely why she never asked.

"Yes! Absolutely! I won't make as much money as you, Ms. Corporate Lawyer, but I will work to carry my weight!"

"That's all a girl can ask for!" Aurora beams at her.

Aurora managed to find a place to rent during her last trip to the city. If Sydney recalls correctly, Aurora had taken Igor to the apartment tour after their lunch together that day. She remembers Aurora gushing about the place and about Igor. They had spent the whole day together and Aurora was ecstatic. The apartment complex is located uptown and although Sydney has never checked out the place, she knows it is going to be nice. She is not sure if she can even afford half the rent. This sounds like a later problem.

"Alright I need more to drink, come with me," Sydney beckons for her friend to follow her back to the drink table.

Sydney fills up her solo cup with more jungle juice. It has been a long week for her and for once, it is not work related. Even though she has been scrambling to work out the logistics of the relay event, it has been more manageable than her wrestling with her feelings for Ryan. For tonight, she just needs to drink, spend time with her friends, and forget that Ryan exists.

Dalton comes back to join the group shortly after. It looks like he took a detour from the restroom.

"Hey guys, there's going to be an after party, wanna come?"

Sydney pipes up at the suggestion while Aurora shakes her head quickly.

"Sorry guys, I want to be on my best behavior with my family in town."

Sydney and Dalton scowl at Aurora.

"You're no fun," Sydney murmurs.

"Yeah, your family should know that you need to let loose before your bar prep begins!"

"You guys have fun! I might text you after I am done with dinner," Aurora looks at Sydney with a small smile.

Sydney definitely needs to let loose tonight so Aurora supports her taking the night to party with their friends. Aurora is pulled into conversation by a group of girls, leaving Sydney alone with Dalton.

"Sydney, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my apartment after that party tonight," Dalton leans over to her to mumble to her quietly.

Oh shit, is he trying something with me? Sydney masks her shock and accidentally lets out a giggle.

"I got a hotel room tonight so no need for me to crash," she says nonchalantly.

Dalton laughs.

"No, I mean if you wanted to hook up."

I forgot how forward he was, Sydney thinks to herself. His proposition is tempting. During the start of their first year at law school, Sydney was still trying to deal with her heartbreak. She befriended Dalton almost immediately. During a study session at her apartment, they felt the sexual chemistry between them and just went with it. Sydney had made it clear to him that he was solely a rebound. Dalton understood and they proceeded for a while. However, they decided to stop because their friendship was more important than the sex.

Now it sounds like Dalton wants to revisit that again.

"I don't know, I'm kind of in the middle of a..."

"Is it Adam Fox again?" Dalton interrupts with a knowing smile.

Sydney sighs.

"No, I'm over that, I just need to figure out my thing with someone else."

"Ok, glad you are not caught up in all that," he says, "just don't want you to get hurt again."

Dalton is sweet. He always has been. While they were hooking up, Sydney told him what happened in her previous relationship. Dalton got over the initial shock of her history with the defenseman and made jokes about how he was the rebound for the former Norris Trophy winner. Nevertheless, he was the friend that she needed at the time and Sydney will eternally be grateful for that.

"Thanks, I'm trying to figure out if I have actual feelings for this guy and it might be messy getting you caught up in that," Sydney says honestly.

Dalton shrugs.

"I get it, you need to sort that out."

"But if it's just sex..." Sydney trails off.

Dalton raises both hands up.

"Listen, you do what you need to do. I know I'm just rebound sex so don't worry about hurting my feelings."

Sydney is worried. It is going to be so messy if she falls back into old habits again. She does not know where she is with Ryan and she does not know how he feels about her. For the longest time, Ryan made it very clear that he hated her. But lately, it feels to her like that is no longer the case. It may be his lust for her taking over, but she does sense that his attitude towards her has changed drastically since she first moved back to New York.

At the end of the day, she may be imagining everything. Ryan will not want to cross the line and betray his friend. She cannot expect him to want her enough to risk his friendship with Adam. She does not want him to.

"Sure, why not," Sydney says with finality.

She will have to start planning to move on from Ryan. They cannot keep doing this and expect not to get caught or hurt. Dalton is aware that this is just casual sex and that this is all it can be. No one will get hurt over this. While it is important for her to maintain her friendship with him, she is not going to see him often anyway. She is going back to New York tomorrow night so she has nothing to worry about.

"Great! Looking forward to it," he winks at her.

She laughs, playfully shoving his upper arm. The two engage in casual conversation for a while before Aurora rejoins their group. The recent graduate looks between her two friends, noticing the mood shift since she last left. Aurora gives Sydney a meaningful look, as if she knew Sydney was going to hook up with their friend today. Sydney gives a subtle nod.

Before Aurora can provide her with a response, Sydney's attention immediately turns to a blonde woman who is approaching their group. Sydney's body stiffens as her friends look on in confusion.

"Oh my god, Sydney! I didn't expect to see you here!" The woman exclaims.

Sydney fakes a smile.

"Hey Casey, likewise!"

"My college roommate and best friend just graduated, she's over there," Casey points to a woman across the room.

Sydney does not even bother identifying them.

"Yeah, Rory here just graduated too, so I'm here," she gently nudged Aurora.

Aurora and Dalton each give Sydney a knowing look. They know.

"Hi, I'm Casey," she extends a hand out for Dalton to shake.

Dalton turns to Sydney.

"Is she the Casey that..."

"Yup," Sydney gives him a glare, as if telling him to shut up.

Casey chuckles knowingly.

"Yes, I know. You probably think I was trying to get with Adam."

Weren't you? Sydney tries to maintain a friendly smile and not glare at her. Seeing Casey here of all places does not make her feel good at all. All her memories of feeling insecure come flooding back. All the nights of Adam declining to hang out with her so he can spend time with Casey and their group of friends, which includes Ryan.

Aurora places a hand on her upper arm as she is sending Sydney's discomfort.

"I promise that was not my intention," Casey says candidly.

Sydney can tell that Casey had been drinking as well. She is bolder than normal.

"It sure came off that way," Sydney mutters under her breath.

Casey's expression softens.

"I would never cross any boundaries knowing you two were together," she explains, "and I saw that you were upset the other night when I showed up after that game..."

"You were there to see Adam. It's okay, we're not together anymore. I don't care," Sydney lies.

Casey shakes her head.

"Adam didn't invite me."


Sydney thought Adam was lying to her the other night. During their relationship, he had always been defensive about the nature of his friendship with Casey. She learned to not believe a word out of Adam's mouth when it comes to the blonde.

"I honestly did not know you were going to be there. Ryan insisted that I show up, even if not to the game. It was weird, he would never invite me out to their games, but he really insisted on that night..."

Sydney's heart stops. Aurora's hand on her arm tightens.


"Yeah, and come to think of it, it looks like he did it on purpose. Maybe he knew you were going to be there and maybe you would not be happy to see me there," Casey surmises.

Ryan did this, Sydney finishes the rest of her drink without another word. She was so hurt that night because she relived memories of the failings of her relationship with Adam. It was such a rough moment for her. She had an intense standoff with Ryan that night but it looked like he at least wanted to comfort her and make sure she was alright. It was uncharacteristic of him to do that, but she believed it was genuine. Now knowing that he had intentionally invited Casey to the game to hurt her, she is not sure if everything he ever said to her was genuine.

There is no way Ryan would ever have real feelings for her if he is willing to go out of his way to hurt her like that. Sydney has been hooking up with and making a connection with someone who is always going to set out to hurt her. If this isn't a red flag, she does not know what is.

She has to cut Ryan off.

"I need more to drink," Sydney mumbles under her breath and turns back to the drink table.

"Syd..." she can hear Aurora from behind, attempting to comfort her.

"It was nice seeing ya!"

Sydney can hear Casey but does not say anything. She is still in shock over the revelation. The best way to get over this for tonight is to drink. She can drink, party, and go back to Dalton's apartment with him. There is not a doubt that she plans to forget about Ryan tonight.


Ryan takes the Broadway Hat from Chris while the rest of the locker room cheers loudly for him. The team had beat the San Jose team 4-0. Although Ryan did not score a goal, he made some key defensive plays, which is clearly recognized by Kreider and the rest of the team.

"Great game, boys! Let's finish out the rest of this California road trip with more wins!"

His teammates erupt in louder cheers.

"And Kreids gotta go take his lady out to a date!" Vesey exclaims.

"Go get dressed, I'll take care of the media tonight," Mika volunteers.

Chris looks at his linemate gratefully. Everyone knew that Chris was planning a big anniversary dinner with his wife. Some of the team's wives and girlfriends accompanied Jade to San Jose, and they had to keep it on the down low. They could not let their coach or the organization personnel know that family was practically accompanying them on this trip.

After Ryan unlaces his skates, he reaches for his phone in his cubby. His eyes nearly pop out of his head when he notices several missed calls, voicemails, and text messages from Sydney. Ryan glances at Adam to make sure his friend is not paying attention to him. Adam is in the middle of a conversation with Alexis. Ryan takes this moment to review the text messages.

You r a peaaaaace ot shit.

Casey told me what you did that jight.

Ryan can tell by the amount of typos in her messages that she is drunk. Oh Sydney.

I cannot believe I evr trusted u.

He is afraid to listen to the voicemails right now with his teammates around. It sounds like Sydney somehow found out that he was the one who made Casey attend the postgame festivities that night. He is not going to deny the fact that he did that knowing Sydney was going to be there. Ryan wanted to see her reaction and test out if Sydney still had feelings for Adam. Of course, Sydney would only see it as him trying to hurt her.

"Kreids!" Igor practically jogs over to their side of the locker room.

"Sup, Shesty?"

"I just got a text from Aurora. You need to go get Sydney from Berkeley," their goaltender shows Chris something on his phone, presumably the text message from Sydney's friend.

Fuck, Ryan knows Sydney is drunk somewhere but it sounds like she is in a state that gives her friend cause for concern. Ryan turns to Adam to see if the conversation caught his attention, but Adam is still exchanging words with Alexis.

"Fuck," Chris swears loudly, "I can't go to dinner tonight."

"What?" Mika asks, "no, you have to!"

"I have to get my sister from Berkeley now," he gets up quickly.

"No, let me go. I'll need to borrow your rental car," Mika volunteers.

Chris slips on his dress shoes and pulls his suit on hurriedly.

"No, you have to do media stuff," he argued.

Mika sighs in defeat.

"But you have to go tonight or Jade's gonna be pissed."

"Jade will understand. It's Sydney."

It's Sydney, Ryan looks down at the string of angry text messages from her. It sounds like they are due for a conversation. Besides, he is not sure if Sydney is going to go off about him when Kreider gets her from wherever she is at Berkeley.

"I'll go," Ryan rises from his seat and walks over to Chris.

Chris looks up at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Really? You'd do that?"

I'd do anything to make sure Sydney is okay.

"Yeah, you don't need to cancel your dinner plans. I'll take care of it."

He can see the relief in Chris's eyes.

"Try not to throw her out the car," Mika says jokingly.

"Shesty, you're going to text me the address?" Ryan turns to Igor, who nods at him quickly.

Chris hands Ryan the keys to his rental car.

"We'll cover for you if coach asks any questions," Jimmy shouts from the other end of the locker room.

"Thanks Jimbo," Ryan grabs his wallet from his cubby and makes a beeline out the locker room, "Kreids, I'll text you with updates!"

"Thanks Lindy!"

Anything for Sydney.

Follow the Echoes // Ryan Lindgren, New York RangersWhere stories live. Discover now