Part 4

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I watch as Yeah yeah throws a baseball into the air and catching it, his bedroom door slams open and a brown haird girl who looks around the same age as Tommy runs in and tackles the poor boy. They seem to be wrestling before a tall, tanned woman with dirty blonde hair walks in, Im guessing thats his mother. She leads the girl out of Yeah Yeahs room and carefully closes the door. I look around the street and spot Bertram and Squints running towards Alans House with bags on their back, I swing my window open and throw my legs over the side. Last year me and Jordan made an elevator out of one of dads buckets and rope, carefully I climb into the bucket and use the rope to make my way towards the ground.

I grab a stick and use it to support my weight, I quickly walk over to the pair of boys before they reach their friends house. "Oh hey Y/n!" I smile and wave as they stop and look my up and down, "WOAH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEG!" Squints screamed, I hear a door slam open and look over to see yeah yeah running towards us. "Why are YOU talking to my friends?" I look at the boy and sigh, I was hoping to befriend the sandlot kids I mean just because they are my brothers enemy doesnt mean I cant at least be nice to them. "I just wanted to say hi." The stick I was using to hold myself up snapped under neath me and almost immediately Alan wrapped his arms around me I'm unsure why considering he was just rude to me, I look into his olive-green eyes as I feel my face heat up. "HEY, GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" we all turn to face Jordan glaring at the boys, I was pulled from Alans grasp and shoved to the floor, "DONT YOU EVER TOUCH MY SISTER YOUR DIRTY WORTHLESS SANDLOT LOOSERS!" Bertram shoved Jordan away as he rush to help me up, the tall boy stands holding me up as his eyes narrow at my brother, once again Im snatched out of their grasp as Jordan drags me inside. "Bye Y/n," Squints mumbles as I wave.

Jordan slams the door and screams at me, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING TO THOSE BRAINLESS PIECES OF TRASH!" I just stare at the boy, Jordan very rarely yells at me in a mean way, I cant help but tear up. He turns away and storms off to one of the other rooms. I slowly peak out of the kitchen window and spot Alan walking inside. So much for making friends with them. I pull myself up the stairs and pull my window closed. I glance towards Alans bedroom and spot the three boys sitting on his bed.

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