Part 5

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Its been three days since I hurt my knee I havent left the house once, I bet everyone thinks Im dead or something. "Y/n Im going to the diamond with the guys, try and do something other than sleep for once." I wait until I hear the front door close, I throw the sheets of my body get changed into a pair of ripped jean shorts and light blue singlet, I sneak to Jordans room and steal one of his babe ruth jerseys, I chuck on my Yankees cap and tie the laces on my P.F flyers. Then just for fun I dig up my old friendship bracelets and shove them on my wrist. I cant fully run like normal yet thanks to my knee but its better than it was.

I grab the spare house key, lock the door, and walk down the street. I find myself standing across the road from the sandlot, I stare at the boys as they try desperately to get benny out. I wander over and hide behind a bush and let myself giggle when they failed miserably, "Benny man your too good, we can never get you out, NOT EVEN ONE STRIKE!" the group walk over to the dugout and joke around as the take sips of water. I decided that was my time to pop up, I quickly snuck out of my hiding spot and acted as if Id been standing next to Kenny the whole time, shockingly the boys didnt notice me. "REMEMBER WHEN SCOTTY DIDNT KNOW WHO BABE RUTH WAS!" I start chocking on air and the boys realise my presence, I stand up straight and smile awkwardly, the boys smile awkwardly back. "IWANTTOPLAYBASEBALLWITHYOU!" I didnt realise how fast I said it until they all looked at me with a dumb expression on their faces, I took a few deep breaths and managed to speak normally, "I want to play baseball with you." Once again they stared at me with a dumb expression then everyone except benny and smalls burst into laughter, "A girl wants to play ball? You have got to be joking"! I crossed my arms and glared at the group, I took their spare ball and started to walk off. "HEY THATS OURS!" I turn back to them and smile, quickly I start running, even though its not as fast as I usually am Im still faster than most of the boys, I look back and benny scoops me up, I try to wriggle out of his grasp but fail. "GOT YA!" Timmy throws his fist towards the sky in victory. I drop the ball and Benny drops me to grab it, I quickly snatch it back up and bolt. I run until I trip and go rolling on the soft grass of the park. With out realising I drop the ball I lay spread across the area, they boys all stand over me gasping for air. I burst into laughter, and they glare at me like Im crazy, "You are one weird girl." I slap Kennys shin and go to reach for the ball, but I was too late Tommy picked it up and looked at me with a sweet smile. Smalls and Ham pull me off the ground and I stumble to stand up straight, "If you want to play ball with us, you gotta prove yourself. We already know you can run crazy fast, what about catching, throwing, and batting?" the boys lead me back to the sandlot, I catch Alan staring at me a few times, but I think nothing of it. Benny hands me the wooden bat and I take my stance on the home base; I twist the bat around in my hand and keep my eyes on the ball. It comes flying towards me I swing and force the bat and ball to meet in the air, CRACK! I drop the bat and run to each base. The boys jaws where hanging on the floor. Kenny turned to face me then back at Scotty who was making his way into someones back yard as their dog drops the ball near him. "Ok then, now you go catcher, Ham you take home." I nod and swap spots with the boy, I watch carefully as Kenny throws the ball, it goes right past ham and I catch it in the glove, "Are you for real man?" I look up at the boy who was going red with embarrassment. Ham went back to catcher, smalls stood off to the side and I took left centre, Benny sends the ball flying towards me I jump up and grab the ball before he hits out, I throw the ball at yeah yeah who quickly drops it and whines, "What happened Yeah yeah?" I rush over and notice the poor boys hand turning purple where he had caught the ball, the group stare at it for a moment, "Shes got a strong throw!" the boys all said Yeah in unison, then they huddled up whispering to each other. I hear them mention how amazing I was at baseball; I was honestly proud of myself. "OK y/n, first things first were calling you y/nn from now on second, youre in!" enterally Im jumping up and down squealing with excitement, but on the outside Im smiling at the group. "Nice!" Kenny throws an arm over my shoulder, and we all walk to the dugout, Bertram hands me a cola and pulls me to sit between him and Squints. I listen to benny telling everyone where to meet and what time tomorrow, "Ok so remember behind Vincents tomorrow at 8." We all nod and start walking back, Timy and tommy live right next door to the sandlot so for them it wasnt that far, benny, Smalls and ham lived just around the corner from them. Kenny and squints run off down some random street and Im left with Bertram and Alan.

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