Part 1

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My name is Baby Curtis,and before you ask,yes it's my real name.I love my parents but I can't say I love their choice in names.I suppose it could be worse though because my twin brother's name is Ponyboy.My parents told me my name is Baby because I was their last child,so if I had been born just three minutes earlier Ponyboy would have been called Baby and I would be called something else.I'm the youngest in the gang too,me and my brothers are all greasers though I don't think I look like one.I don't put any grease in my blonde hair because I hate the feeling,I don't think I look tuff like all the other greasers either,with my red converse and checked shirt that I tie up at the front because it used to be my brother Sodapops and it's a bit long on me.I don't act like a greaser either,sure I'm not afraid to tell a Soc what's what but I hate fight's and I've never fought anyone in my life.Well until now...

"Baby" yelled my brother Darry knocking on my door. "Time to get up".I groaned,I don't like sleeping in but getting up on a Monday is the worst thing ever.Besides I was feeling pretty sick,I had a headache and my stomach churned.I threw my pillow at the door in frustration and leapt up.Me and Ponyboy always raced to the bathroom and I had a headstart.I burst out my room and ran across the hall,Ponyboy at my heels.I got to the bathroom door and flung it open slamming it in Pony's face. "Aw c'mon" he cried thudding on the door,I laughed loudly at him and turned on the shower. About ten minutes later I was dressed and ready and trailed out the bathroom smirking. Ponyboy glowered at me and said "I'll get you next time". I turned on the radio and sat down at the table. "Twobit's driving you and Pone to school today so be ready to go in a half hour" said Darry putting a plate of chocolate cake in front of me.just looking at it made me feel ill so I pushed it away and said "thank's but I'm not really hungry".He looked at me worriedly, "You feeling OK?" he asked putting his hand up to my forehead. "Yeah I'm fine" I insisted "just not hungry". "You have a fever,call me if you feel worse" he told me. Sodapop strolled into the room singing along to "Hound Dog" which was playing on the radio.Ponyboy followed.Soon enough him and Darry started arguing.I think it was about track but me and Soda never like to get involved when they fight.We looked at eachother and he whispered "let's go to your room". We sneaked away and slipped into my bedroom,me sitting on my desk chair and Soda flinging himself onto my newly made bed. "Sodaaaa" I whined and he put his hand's up defensively. "Sorry" he said and then he sighed "I hate it when Darry and Pone fight". "Me too" I said ""and it's always about the stupidest things too,they promised they would try and stop". " I know" he agreed.It's times like these where I miss Mom and Dad the most,Darry and Pony never used to fight when they were alive.I looked down so Soda wouldn't see the tears filling in my eyes.He noticed anyway,Sodapop knew everything about me.He came over and put his arm round my shoulder. "It's OK baby,they'll work it out".I nodded and wiped my eyes.He hugged me properly and I immediately felt better,Soda could always make me feel better. We heard a car honk outside and I said "that'll be Twobit,I'll see you soon OK". "OK " he replied.We went back into the kitchen where Darry and Ponyboy were glaring at eachother. We said goodbye and went out to Twobits beat up car.He turned around from the drivers seat and grinned at us. "Hey kiddos" he said and Johnny,who was in the passenger seat said "hey".Ponyboy was pretty quiet on the way to school,the fight must have been pretty bad.We all got into school and went to our different classes,mine was history,When I got in I saw that we had been assigned new seats.

You have got to be kidding me...

I know that wasn't a very entertaining Chapter but I promise it get's better and I'm writing Chapter 2 as quick as I can!!! Please comment what you liked/disliked about this chapter and I hope you enjoyed :)

The Life Of Baby Curtis and some random oneshots- The Outsiders FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now