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"Sunghoon-ah answer me", the "guy" said again which earned him a few blinks from Sunghoon.

"Heeseung hyung", Sunghoon said so quietly that Heeseung almost didn't hear it.

"What the fuck Sunghoon", Heeseung said while trying to look him in the eyes but sunghoon avoided eye contact at all cost.

"Talk to me will you.", Heeseung said in a frustrated tone but he didn't raise his voice like Sunghoon thought.

Sunghoon didn't know what to say.
What does he expect him to say. That it was an accident and that he didn't look where he was going. That he is interpreting it wrong.
What does Heeseung want him to say?

Sunghoon just remind silent. He couldn't say a word he was to afraid that his voice might crack or that he'll break down.

He waited for the older to talk again and trying to get him to speak but nothing came it was silent.
Did Heeseung leave him here alone?
Maybe Heeseung was only pretending to care. Hell did he even care.

In a matter of seconds thousands of thoughts ran through Sunghoon head with every passing thought it got louder in his head like it was screaming at him. Scolding him for his failed attempt. For everything he. did. wrong.

And then all of sudden it was quiet and warm. Heeseung didn't leave. He was hugging Sunghoon. Someone was hugging Park Sunghoon.

He didn't even realise he was hugging him back but it didn't matter. He has never felt so save in someone's embrace.

Sunghoon didn't realise he started crying. He was such a cry baby.
Nevertheless, he felt how Heeseung was trying to calm him down.

How he missed the older hugs.

He didn't want to lose Heeseung hugs again.(yeah you sure it's about the hugs bro)
He couldn't! So he only hold onto Heeseung tighter.

"Don't worry Hoon-ah. I'm not going anywhere", Heeseung said softly while tightening his arms around him too.

He missed the younger's hugs.


Sunghoon woke up in his bed. He was about to stand up until he realised it wasn't his bed nor his room which looked oddly familiar.......too familiar.

Why the fuck was he at Heeseung's!!!!
Did he pass out yesterday?
Did he agree on coming here?
panic was all he felt.

He had to leave now before Heeseung came back.

He stood up and walked straight out the door right into.........a guy!
A shirtless guy! A shirtless wet hair guy! He was hot sunghoon wasn't going to lie about that but he was SOMEONE.

Sunghoon wanted to run. He didn't even want to be here in the first place and now he really does not want to be here. Who wants to be with a hot shirtless wet hair guy!

"You're awake", sunghoon heard someone say or better he heard Heeseung. The guy he didn't want to see. The guy he wanted to run away from.

Why was everything against him today. Wait when is something not against him.

Sunghoon quickly apologised to that good looking shirtless wet hair guy and run straight to Heeseung.

He didn't even wanted to go to Heeseung but his legs were moving on its own.

"Are you feeling better", Heeseung asked him in his sweet honey like voice. How he loved Heeseung's voice. Everyone would fall for a voice like this. What the hell! What is wrong with you Park Sunghoon!

Sunghoon forgot for a second that Heeseung had ask him a question so he started to nod faster than lightening McQueen (i actually hate cars whatever)

His nod seemed to ease Heeseung's nerves a bit. "Good. Come eat I made breakfast", Heeseung said with a smile on his face and pulled him towards the table.

Sunghoon took a seat and that hot shirtless wet hair guy was about to take a seat in front of him!!!!!

"Hey Jay! Get yourself a shirt first. Jeez.", Heeseung said while putting food on the plate in front of Sunghoon.

That hot shirtless wet hair guy whose name was jay according to Heeseung left which Sunghoon was thankful for.

"Thank you Heeseung for the food", Sunghoon said quietly and of course Heeseung almost didn't catch it but he had ears like a cat.

Sunghoon wanted to start eating when that Hot shirtless wet hair guy or how Heeseung called him Jay came with four other boys.

"Sunghoon-ah that are my friends", Heeseung said while giving everyone something to eat.
"Well you already know jay, and then there's Jungwon, jake, Sunoo and Niki", he said while pointing at everyone.

"Don't worry you don't have to introduce yourself they already know you", Heeseung said with an innocent smile on his face.

Sunghoon only nodded and started to eat. He was starving. Like really starving he hasn't eaten in ages.
And Heeseung's food was amazing like hello.

"So you were Heeseung Hyung's childhood best friend?", that one guy said if sunghoon remembers correctly his name was Niki, "He talks about you a lot", that Niki guy finished.

Right he was Heeseung's best friend years ago but apparently Heeseung doesn't see him as that anymore.

So why did he still thought of Heeseung like his best friend all those years. Maybe he shouldn't either. Yeah he should move on too.

"I guess I am", answered Sunghoon quietly so no one could hear but of course our cat ear guy Heeseung did but what could he say to that right.

They all just continued eating as if Niki hasn't said a word. It was a bit awkward but nothing they all couldn't handle.


After they all finished eating Sunghoon stood up.
"Sunghoon-ah why don't you stay longer?", Heeseung asked him while looking at him with those cute Bambi eyes.
"I uh can't I have work in 15 minutes and it's quite a walk there. Bye Heeseung hyung and friends of Heeseung", Sunghoon said  while rushing out of the house.

He was so relieved to be outside. He couldn't have stayed there not when Heeseung was definitely going to ask him about yesterday. Sunghoon just wants to forget yesterday. For him it didn't even happen. Yes he made up his mind about that one for sure.

He's going to pretend yesterday night did never happen.

This is kinda bad anyway hope you enjoyed it !!



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