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A/N: sorry for the late update!!! TikTok messed with my patiences the last week!! ANYWAY i really try to update weekly now because according to my english teacher we should practice writing due to the final exam and the writing part is the most important soooo guys pls tell me if I make any mistakes and if the chapters make any sense I would really appreciate it!!! Thank you!!

It was a sunny morning in Ulsa. Heeseung woke up to the loud snoring of jay. On normal days he would be annoyed by the noise jay was making but today he wasn't.

After a while he stood up and started to make breakfast. Sadly their personal chef aka Jayden was still asleep.

He finished cooking and started to wake up the others so they can start with their planned activities.

Heeseung and his friends gathered their beach towels, sunscreen, and coolers filled with refreshing drinks, and headed to the beautiful beach nearby.

Arriving there Jungwon, Niki, Sunoo and Jake didn't waste a second before running inside the water. They splashed in the crystal-clear water and dunked each other in the water.

While the four played in the water Jay and Heeseung spend their time with setting up their towels on the sand and the parasol they bought before getting to the beach.

After some minutes the four came out of the water and started to built a sandcastle, which looked more like a bombed castle but who cares.

Finishing the sandcastle everyone put sunscreen on them did some sunbathing and afterwards they  played beach volleyball before everyone got in the water to cool off.

After a fun-filled morning at the beach, they dried off and headed to the nearby amusement park. Niki was the most excited of them all.

They started with a thrilling roller coaster which Jay didn't enjoy at all.
The second ride was worse than the first so Jay chose to sit out this time. Sunoo wanted to do the carnival games sadly he didn't win anything but Heeseung tried for him and even won. Sunoo of course was never happier.

After their two activities they got hungry so they stopped at a restaurant. It was Heeseung's favourite when he used to live here so he was happy eating there again.

"So guys what do you all want?", Heeseung asked so he could order for them all. "Tteokbokki", Sunoo almost screamed. "Me too", Niki said almost as loud as Sunoo. Jungwon, Jay and Jake took the same namely Bibimbap. Heeseung of course took Ramyeon.

Heeseung ordered for everyone and shortly after ordering the food arrived and everyone started eating. The happiest moment for them all.

After eating they took a walk in the near by park so they can relax a bit after eating their meal.

As they were walking around the park Niki, Jungwon, Sunoo and Jake started to play catch. Jay and Heeseung were looking at them with admiration. They looked like proud parents.

Niki was so caught up in their game that he didn't see the tree root on the ground. Before he could even react he had already tripped over the root and fell on his feet. As he was trying to stand up the others were already running over to him.

"Niki-ah are you hurt" Sunoo asked with a worried expression. "Everything's fine I just tripped" he said; already trying to walk farther when an unbearable pain hits him and Heeseung had to help him stand.

"Maybe we should get you checked up in the hospital or something" Jay said softly while looking at him.
Niki nodded softly.

Arriving at the hospital the six friends didn't had to wait long before a doctor checked up on their Niki.

(A/N: I don't think that the
sentence is grammatically correct)

Luckily Niki didn't broke his feet; he just twisted it due to the good news everyone relaxed a bit.

After receiving the good news Heeseung led the room to get some water bottles.

Walking through the hospital to find some water bottles, he spotted a familiar figure or could you say a very familiar face.

Without any thought he already walked up to him. "Hey" Heeseung said with a soft smile on his face. "How are you Sunghoon?" 
The said boy looked up, meeting Heeseung's eyes.
Both were staring at each other's eyes before Heeseung started to speak again.
"Are you still visiting your mother at her workplace?"

After hearing Heeseung's words Sunghoon frozen. It's not like he was wrong it is his mother's workspace well it used to be before she got ill. "Sunghoon", Heeseung asked with a concerned expression on his face. "Yeah, I still visit her here", Sunghoon finally answered.
"That's nice. We can go to her together I didn't see her for 8 years!" Heeseung said with an exciting voice.

"She's actually very busy right now. She send me away too", the lie leaving Sunghoon's mouth with such an ease that Sunghoon himself would be surprised but lying about something wasn't new to him. It was like his superpower. He had lied to a lot of people so one more wouldn't hurt.

"Oh, well then nice seeing you though. We should meet up sometime again catching up and stuff. Yeah?" Heeseung asked with a smile on his face.

That smile.

That damn smile.

How can someone say no to Heeseung's smile well of course there are some people that can but Sunghoon was definitely not one of them. "Yeah, sure" Sunghoon answered while nodding his head. He'll probably regret his answer later on anyway.

"Well I'll get going then I still have to get water. It was nice talking to you again and if you have time to meet up you know where I live!" Heeseung said and leaving Sunghoon to get some water.


On the way home Sunghoon couldn't get the thought out of his head of how stupid he was to agree to meeting up with Heeseung. Why did he agree to meet up with the person that left him.

Why did he agree to him.

Why did he agree to Heeseung.

The thoughts didn't leave his head which ended up in him getting a headache from all that thinking.

Arriving home Sunghoon already knew that his thoughts and his headache are going to be a problem for later.

The real problem was in his house right now and Sunghoon knows that he won't get away from it.
God how much he hates his father.


Separated hearts // HeehoonWhere stories live. Discover now