1 || Airborne Escape

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„Run, run! As fast as you can! Hurry!"

These words echoed endlessly in my mind as I frantically sought an escape route, my heart pounding in my chest. Despite being distant, the shouts of people and the clash of weapons still overburdened my ears, resonating like thunder.

With unwavering patience, I faced three endless days. I understood all too well that this moment would mark my opportunity for liberation: the pirates. Even if Yang Kum-Ji's men caught me through my own clumsiness, my spirit and fortitude remained unyielding.

How foolish to underestimate the pirates' chasing skills of a ship packed with contraband and weaponry! They should have known their nature better. And when the first echoes of battle reached my ears, I knew the hour had arrived.

My heart dances with joy and anticipation. At last, liberation from this gloomy, squalid realm is within reach. With some creativity, I've freed myself from the tightly wound ropes that had chafed my skin raw. I'm glad that the ship's passengers are not averse to spirits, for it would be a grievous oversight to abandon a few sharp shards of glass scattered about.

My acting techniques leave even myself in awe. I've skillfully portrayed myself as a trembling young girl, awkwardly bound and seated on the dirty floor, for what seemed like an eternity... A performance so convincing, it even startled me. Thus, when the faint sounds of a scuffle reached our ears, my guards instinctively bolted to the deck, assuming, "She wouldn't dare."

Oh, but how I would dare.

The art of unlocking various locks with nothing but a hairpin has long been a skill I honed. It's woven into the fabric of my lifestyle, proving surprisingly handy time and time again. And yet again, it didn't fail me. The moment when the lock clicks satisfyingly has become my favorite sound in the world.

As they escorted me into the cramped paddock beneath the ship's deck, I seized the opportunity to commit the route to memory. When survival is on the line, my focus is unshakeable. It's a quality I admire in myself, although tinged with a hint of unease.

With haste, I dashed up the groaning wooden stairs. The rope still coiled around my wrist and ankle didn't concern me. The fragrance of the night air intensified as I drew closer to freedom. My means of escape lay in the lifeboat - the only plan I had. Earlier, I had noticed that each ship carried two wooden boats for emergencies. They would be my ticket to escape.

Ascending the weathered stairs almost as if soaring, I swiftly arrived on deck.

The crisp, revitalizing air, the twinkling stars-oh, how I missed them!

Though that would have been my initial sentiment, what greeted me instead was a sky veiled in dark smoke, the air searing my lungs. Everywhere, dancing flames adorned in hues of yellow and red engulfed the surroundings, leisurely consuming the entire vessel. Gradually, they crept up onto the mast, illuminating the faces of battling pirates and constables alike.

It was just like a star in the sky. A small, luminous point amidst the vast, dark ocean. You wouldn't pay it much heed. However, to this star, I was the center. I saw everything perfectly, felt everything perfectly. The clash of weapons. The cries of people as they plunged into the black depths of the sea, forever swallowed by its abyss. The painful creaking of the mizzenmast as towering flames consumed it and forced it to the ground. It was taxing for me too, as every sense momentarily dulled completely, then sharpened once more.

In a mere fraction of a second, I realigned with myself and honed in on the task ahead. With nervous glances around, my eyes finally landed on it: the lifeboat. Summoning my pieces of determination, I set my course towards the only means of escape. Though the flames drew nearer, they hadn't yet consumed the boat entirely. I hastened to approach with utmost stealth and swiftness. All that stood between me and freedom were its securing ropes - I just needed to cut them!

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