2 || Shelter Under Deck

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"Are we flying?" I managed to find my voice as our eyes met once more. He responded with a coy smile, casting his gaze downward toward me. His sturdy arms cradled my legs and back with unwavering support. I scarcely noticed as my own arms instinctively encircled his neck, ensuring my stability.

Not that I harbored any fear of falling. His embrace offered a strong sense of security.

"We are flying." he chimed with playful mirth. I couldn't help but reciprocate his smile.

The reasons behind my reactions to him remain a mistery. And why those fleeting moments suspended in the air felt like an eternity is a puzzle I cannot unravel.

A knot tightened in my stomach as I felt our descent. The sight of a pirate ship looming closer filled me with nervousness.

The triumphant smiles of the victorious pirates were visible even from this height. They had clearly emerged victorious from the battle, and it was thanks to them that I escaped.

However, this outcome wasn't exactly what I had envisioned. While I owe them my freedom, I hadn't anticipated landing on their vessel just yet. Uncertainty gnawed at me, but in the absence of my usual instinctual guidance, I clung to the hope that all would be well.

We landed softly on the deck, drawing the attention of everyone on board. Were their stares due to our airborne arrival, or was I the sole reason?

As the young man carefully set me down amidst the gathering, whispers began to circulate. "How beautiful" "Wow" and other similar exclamations filled the air.

Feeling a bit uncertain, I steadied myself and cast my gaze around at the pirates. To my surprise, I was met with gentle expressions and concerned eyes. It was disconcerting to be the focus of everyone's attention, but the murmurs were soon interrupted by the authoritative tone of a woman's voice.

The men parted like waves to make way for a woman of authority, her silver hair exuding wisdom. The wind carried away the smoke spiraling from her pipe.

Her gaze swept over me with deliberate scrutiny. I couldn't ignore the sorry state I was in. My clothes were tattered and soiled, my feet bare and hardened by the unforgiving terrain. Bruises and cuts marred my body, each a testament to the nightmare I had endured. The half-cut rope, once a symbol of imprisonment, still clung tightly to my wrists and ankles, its rough fibers leaving trails of crimson on my skin. Hunger and fatigue were etched upon my face, a testament to the trials I had faced. Though my captivity had been brief, it felt like an eternity.

I wasn't surprised by the pitying glances.

"Who's this, Jae-Ha?" the elderly woman, likely the captain of the pirates, asked with her hands casually resting across her chest.

So his name was Jae-Ha.

"I stumbled upon her aboard Yang Kum-Ji's vessel. Let's just say she interrupted my meeting with an unwelcome arrow." The boy remarked nonchalantly, as if encounters with violence were a daily routine for him.

Once more, the captain's eyes raked over me, their sparkle undimmed by the passing years. Authoritative yet soft.

She released a slow breath, the smoke from her pipe billowing out like fluffy clouds, before bringing it again to her lips.

"Take her to an empty room and tend to her wounds. Give her some warm soup. We'll interrogate her tomorrow." The woman instructed calmly, then turned on her heel and made her way to the other side of the ship. As she departed, the other pirates resumed their hushed conversations. Feeling ill at ease, I lowered my gaze to the floor.

"Come, let me show you your room." I jumped slightly at the soft murmur near my ear. The warm breeze caressed my skin, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine. I simply nodded, allowing his hand on my back to lead the way. The pirates parted silently as we passed.

The Freedom of Commitment || Jae-Ha x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now