Chapter 8: Am I Alive

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Delante POV:

All I know is I was on the phone with Alexis then someone shot me. I heard her callin me I was in so much pain but I couldn't respond. I hope she hurry up and get here.

I had to been siting here on the cold ground for 10 minutes. It felt like there was no one on Earth to help me. Next thing I know I black out.

Alexis POV:
I didn't mean to spazz out on my mom but she was just gonna keep saying stuff.

I finally pulled up I rushed over to him. I called his name but he was unresponsive. Luckily he was still breathing. I tried to pick him up but that nigga was heavy.

"Damn" I mumbled

Once I finally got him in there I zoomed to the nearest hospital. It looked over at he got shot in the chest.

I rushed inside the hospital barely holding him up.

"Can somebody help me please" I shouted

Nurse: what happened to him
Me: he got shot
Nurse: what his name
Me: Um Delante I don't know his last name

Then a group of nurses took him to his room. I need to call sky and tell her to call his parents. I blew her phone up like 8 times and she finally answered.

Sky: Bitch what I'm sleep
Me: Sky they shot Delante
Me: Sky did you hear me
Sky: Where is he at
Me: Northwestern Hospital
This motherfcker hung up on me

Sky POV:

So I'm sleep in the middle of a good as dream. I was meeting August Alsina and we was bout to kiss. Then I see Alexis blowing up my phone.

Once I answered she said Delante was shot. My heart dropped so quick. I couldn't even say anything. She said he at northwestern hospital that ain't to far. I told my mom and left out an made my way there.

I pulled up and ran it to see Alexis with her head in her hands. I ran up to her
"You ok Lex" i asked
She looked at me and looked away
Me: What's wrong
Lex: It's my fault if I would have never called he would have been aware
Me: Lex it not you fault people been after him since he was born.

Alexis POV:
We'll I'm really starting to think all this is all my fault. I'm the one that called him and I guess that let his guard down. I know he probably hate me right now.
3 Hours Later

Delante POV:
I woke up to a white room. Where the hell am I? Then I tried to move but I was connected to all these machines. Damn I'm at the hospital. Next thing I know a doctor walks in and start talking to me.

Sky POV:
It been a whole three hours and no one has came to talk to us. I really hope that he is alright he can't die on me.

Alexis POV
I'm really starting to think he not gonna make it. It been a whole 3 hours.
"Family of Delante Wright" the doctored said
Me and sky both stood up to hear the news

Doctor:We'll Delante is very lucky he lost a huge amount of blood mam if you didn't get him here when you did he might have died
Sky:So when can we see him
Doctor: You can see him now if you'd like

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