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I have asked myself severally what I would do in case I saw myself in danger or in a dangerous situation and the answer has been pending.

Standing by the door of Arsenio’s room and watching him with another woman was the most dangerous thing that I had ever done and when he caught me, I did the first thing that came into my mind.

I ran as fast as I could into my room and locked the door from within.

I sat on the floor behind the door panting like one who just ran a marathon race.

Suddenly, I heard the twisting of the doorknob.

“Clara!!! Open the fucking door!!!!” Arsenio yelled.

I stood up in fear as I didn’t know what to do about the whole situation.

“I said open this fucking door or else I am going to bring it down!!!!” 

“If I open the door, you are going to kill me.” I said as I panicked.

“Non ti sto prendendo per il culo Clara(I am not fucking with you Clara) open the damn door!!!!!”

“What is going on Renio??” I heard madam Irene's voice from outside the door.

“Tell Clara to open the fucking door!!!”

“What did she do??” she asked.

There was dead silence after she asked him that question and a few seconds later, there was a knock at the door.

“Open the door Clara…he is gone.” she said.

“Are you sure??”

“Just open the door.”

I unlocked the door and opened it slowly and checked if Arsenio was really gone.

“What did you do to him that got him that mad??” Madam Irene asked.

“I didn’t do anything.” I said as I bowed my head.

“Look, if you want me to help you, you have to come clean…it’s your first day here and he is already that mad and you tell me nothing??”

“Well, I kinda disturbed him.” I said.

“Disturbed him?? How?? I don’t understand you.”

“I went to inform him that food was ready and then I didn’t knock and just opened the door and I saw him with a lady.” 

“And the next thing you did was run and lock yourself up in your room??”

“I wasn’t thinking at all…I just got scared.”

“Oh mio Dio( oh my goodness)...I thought I asked you specifically to knock and wait for his response before opening the door??”

“I don’t know what came over me….is he going to kill me??” I asked.

“He isn’t going to kill you Clara but I really don’t know what he is going to do to you….he is pretty upset.”

“Can you please talk to him and plead with him on my behalf??”

“I don’t know but I will try…for now, please stay off his path until he calms down.”

“Okay…I will do that.”

“Come and eat something…you must be hungry.” she said as she was about to walk away.

“Wait madam!! Please let me go with you to the kitchen.” I said.

The fact that I have seen Arsenio kill someone right in front of me made me scared of him and what he could do to me.

I locked the door and followed madam Irene into the kitchen.

“Take as much as you want to eat.” she said.

“What??? I should??”

“Of you expect to be served your food by me??” she asked.

“Well it’s just that it is the first time ever I am being asked to serve myself some food.”

“So how do you eat in the place you stayed previously??”

“I was only allowed to eat the leftovers of my step siblings.”

“And if they didn’t have any??” she asked.

“I would sleep with an empty stomach.”

“No wonder you look so underweight for your age…and also I saw some healed up bruises on your body…did they do that to you too??”

“Yeah…mostly my step mom.” I said.

“Why would anyone in their right senses do this to a human being??”

“I guess they all hated me…and I was helpless too.”

“But why would you just sit back and allow them to do those things to you?? You are not a minor and I am pretty sure you can stand up for yourself as an adult.”

“Honestly Madam I was scared that if I stood up for myself, they would throw me out of the house and I had nowhere to go.” I said.

I took a plate and served myself some food.

“Is that enough for you?? It’s so small that even a dog wouldn’t eat that.”

“I am just not used to eating much Madam.” I said.

“Alright, I will only allow that for today but the next time you are going to be eating, I want the food on your plate to be more.” she said.

Tears gathered in my eyes because aside from Julia, no one had ever been this nice to me.

“Thank you so much…I really appreciate your kindness.” I said.

“You don’t need to thank me dear…I can see you have been through a lot already and you don’t have to be scared…you are safe here.”

“Am I really safe here??” I asked as I smiled a bit.

“Renio is not a monster…he can be really tough to understand as he hides his emotions but he isn’t a monster.”

“If you say so madam.”

“Eat your food and also we need to go to a hospital to get you checked up and treated…because I don’t think these bruises will fully heal on their own.”

“Okay.” I said as I ate.

It was the first time in a long time I ate a decent meal and I enjoyed every bit of it.

Although I was still unsure of my safety around this new house, it was a lot better than where I stayed

After I was done eating, I cleaned up and Madam Irene and I went to a hospital.

I was checked thoroughly and aside from the bruises, there was nothing else wrong with me.

I was given pain killers and also a cream to apply on the bruises and then we went back home.

That night, I slept like a baby and I also made sure the door was locked to avoid any surprises.

I was able to avoid Arsenio for two whole days maybe because the house was large or he wasn’t around but I was glad I didn’t see him.

I was in the bathroom taking a shower and I heard something in the room.

As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Arsenio sitting on my bed.

“Did you have a nice bath Clara??”

Did you enjoy this chapter??😂😂😂 Because I did.
I find the character Clara very funny and naive but will she be for long?😉😉😉

Find out more as you read.

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