Chapter 2: The Day of Unity

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Curem POV

I was at school when it happened…

There was an eclipse that day, I hadn’t thought much of it. Not until it was fully covering the sun… It was so sudden, the teacher’s Sigil began glowing, energy spreading like circuitry through their body… Then the screams began, some were minor, more like yells, but some were the most agonizing and bloodcurdling I’d ever heard… Everyone ran outside to see what was happening, and the first thing we saw was a pillar of light, beginning at the castle, encircling the moon. Nobody knew what to do, and many ran home or into town to try and help.

I was part of the latter, I ran into town to help anyone I could. I couldn’t do much, but after a while, everything just stopped. Suddenly it was bright again, the moon rapidly moved out of the way by something, something immensely powerful…

We only had a few moments of calm, however. In an instant, a storm of colorful stars erupted from the castle, now destroyed from the middle up. The stars flew all over, people now screaming in terror, rather than pain. Suddenly, one of the stars hit someone near me with a blast of magic, which, to my horror, turned them into a puppet, before turning to face me.

I did the only thing I could and ran… I didn’t know where was safe, my only idea was Hexside. There was a large group of students hiding out in the building, and they quickly brought me in, hushing to keep quiet so the stars wouldn’t find us.

How long were we stuck there? Days, weeks? I wish I knew, I didn’t get a chance to figure it out. We were all too focused on survival to keep track, me personally using my proficiency in healing magic to help anyone who needed it. However long it had been, salvation came in the form of a group of teens, the one seeming to lead them being a human.
It ended up helping a lot, the human, who I now know is named Luz, has convinced a majority of the school to help her in her fight against the deity that caused this. However, a fight broke out, the right hand of the self-appointed “leader” revealing themself to be Kikimora in an Abomaton.

The fight had ended with Luz’s palisman hatching, and Kiki was defeated. Luz, continuing to move forwards, asked the large group of students if anyone wanted to go along for the fight. Wanting to be useful, I take a step and begin walking towards them. It seems like everyone else was too afraid, because I was the only one walking to them.

“Alright, that’s one more person!” Luz exclaimed. “What’s your name?” She asked excitedly. “Curem,” I respond. “Ok, thanks Curem. Now, anyone else?” Slight murmurs were heard as the small crowd of people decided against putting themselves in danger. “Well, welcome to the Hexsquad! These are Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, and Vee, along with my mom.” She explains, gesturing to each person.

Luz began to formulate a plan, and while she was doing that, I go around and ask anyone if they have any injuries, or if they want any ice to soothe their aches. The girl with the glasses, Willow, seemed like she needed some medical attention. Small cuts all over her arms and legs, holes in her outfit, and, most worryingly, what seemed to be a red mark around her neck. Hunter was sitting with her, and I notice that they’re holding hands. “Hey, Willow, right? I’m pretty good with healing magic, are those cuts bothering you?” “Yeah, that’d be nice, thanks.”

After Willow’s injuries are mostly gone, Hunter pulls me aside. “Hey, thanks for that. Willow means a lot to me…” He tells me. “It’s no problem, I want to help any way I can.” I respond, smiling. We talked for a while, the others joining for a little calm before they set the plan into motion. At some point the topic of family came up. I talk about my mom, everyone else talks about their families, and I realize that I don’t know where my mom is. I initially start fearing for the worst, but I channel it into determination. The faster we do this, the faster we can save everyone.

We all gather, Luz’s plan almost finished. This glyph combination would take us directly to the skull of the Titan. If only we knew what awaited us there…

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