Valentines day special P2: The odd one out (Aiger X OC)

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It's Valentines Day and Aiger is feeling left out because the rest of the big 5 have dates, so Fubuki, Ranjiro and Naru prepare a surprise for him (This is around the first episode of the 'RISE/GACHI' Series).


Naru: Hey Aiger

Aiger: What is it

Naru: What's in this box


Naru: Under your bed...

Opens the box

Aiger: It's just where I keep things from our childhood, you know, memories

Naru: Ok (pretends to look around the box a bit)

Aiger: What's this (shows Aiger the picture)

Aiger (energetically): Maki! She was a childhood friend of ours. But I guess you were too young to remember. You were in tears when we had to say a last goodbye to her.

Naru: Was I...

Aiger: Yep, you cried all through the car ride to the airport, until you fell asleep. She actually gave me my first beyblade parts for my first Achillies. She gave you a first-aid kit and gloves of my side in case if any of us ever go hurt.

Naru: Wow... Ok, now I know what it is, I'll put it back where I found it.

Puts the box back and calls Fubuki

Naru: Fubuki, Aiger remembers her, very clearly as well.

Fubuki: Perfect, stage two is a go.

At the Raging Bulls

Fubuki: Hey Shu

Shu: Yes

Fubuki: Can I use the chopper?

Shu: Sure, where are you going?

Fubuki: To BC Sol

Shu (surprised): Why?

Fubuki: Long story

Shu: I won't question. Tell Valt and Free I wish them a happy Valentines Day.

In the chopper: 8 hr flight

Fubuki: I'm in the chopper to BC Sol.

Ranjiro: Copy that

At BC Sol

Fubuki: Hey Valt

Valt: Hey Fubuki.

Fubuki: Do you know where a girl named 'Makio' is?

Valt: Well, she's in Raul's van working on a Gamma bey for Shasa.

Fubuki: Thanks, and Shu says happy Valentines Day.

Inside Raul's Van with Makio and Shasa.

Fubuki: Hey Makio

Makio: Hey 'buki

Fubuki: You remember Aiger, right

Makio (stops working): Yep

Fubuki: Do you want to meet him again?

(Shasa eavsdrops)

Makio (happily): Can I?

Fubuki (jokingly): If you want to.

Makio: Sweet! Are you sure this isn't short notice, I mean, Aiger's probably forgotten about me.

Fubuki: It's a surprise for him. You want to see him again too, right. Take a break.

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