Crazy backstories I made in my head: Free De La Hoya💛

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The snake pit. A cold, dark desolate place, but it was where Free called home. His parents abandoned him shortly after his birth, but he was found and raised by Ashtem, or as the world knew him, Theodore glass. 



Gold Eye: Ashtem, our men have discovered a young boy, a newborn, near the forest. There's something... unusual about him.

Ashtem: Define 'unusual.'

Gold Eye: It appears he possesses an abnormally strong resonance. His bey-spirit connection is unknown, and when held by our elite, he stops crying. He might sense other bladers' resonances more easily than our current elite.

Ashtem: Bring the boy to me.

Gold Eye: As you command, Ashtem.

----- FREE ENTERS-----

Free, who was once crying in a snake pit members arms, cooed, babbled, and giggled lightly in Gold Eye's arms.

Noticing the change in reaction, Ashtem commands, "Bring one of our weaker bladers here."

Gold Eye responds obediently, "Yes, Ashtem."

A terrified member of the Snake-Pit approaches, "You called for me, Ashtem?"

"Hold this baby for a moment, will you?" Ashtem instructs.

The member, still terrified, agrees and takes Free, who immediately starts crying.

Startled, the member asks, "Why is it crying?" while trying to rock Free gently.

Ashtem dismisses him, "Thank you for your assistance, you may return to training now."

Relieved, the member thanks Ashtem and leaves.

Ashtem, with an evil smile, held Free and understood the correlation between resonance and Free's reactions, "He's a bit too young to experiment on right now... we'll need to wait. Gold Eye, he is now your responsibility. Train him to be the strongest blader in the Snake-Pit. He will be useful... very useful."

Gold Eye inquires, "So, can I name him?"

"If you want," Ashtem replies indifferently.

"Welcome to the Snake-Pit... Free," Gold Eye declares.

Curious, Ashtem asks, "Why did you name him Free?"

Gold Eye answers, "Because I got him for 'Free'."

Ashtem, feeling foolish, mutters, "Why did I even ask?"

Free, feeling affectionate, rubs against Gold Eye's chest and giggles.


Free: (bursts another Beyblade) Who's next?

Snake Pit members: (all looking away, scared)

Gold Eye: I see you've gotten stronger Free.

Free: Yes, I think I'm ready to go outside and blade other people.

Gold Eye: No Free, that would be going against Ashtem's wishes. You're not ready yet.

Free: The bladers here are boring; I've beaten everyone here except you.

Gold Eye: I understand, I'll ask Ashtem himself for approval.

----- Gold Eye goes to Ashtem-----

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