5. Movie

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Aradhana's Pov

At morning, we all woke up lazily and did our morning chores.

Then we decided to go out and spent a day with each other.

We took a cab. First we went to our usual café and then beach. We had a great time after that we went to have lunch nearby beach. After all the roaming around these places then we visited the spa and we talked about our life.

We three straight away went to the famous mall in cab. We did shopping for almost 3 hours.

We put our shopping bags in the locker then went to the cinemas. I already booked the tickets so we straight away went to our seats.

Our seats were on one end of the top rows. We saw a couple next to our seat who were talking to each other. I can see the girl's face but I can't see that man's face because he is facing that girl.

Varsha don't like to sit beside gents so she sat on last seat. And Nikita always loves to sit inbetween us. So I have to sit beside a stranger anyway I don't have any option.

I was about to walk through my friends seats at the same time that couple's eyes turned to our direction.

I was shocked to see the person in front of me. But I compossed myself immediately so that I don't show any emotions in my face. I silently took my seat.

I completely ignored the couple beside me. I turned towards my friends. As usual we started our blabbering. Finally we stopped speaking when they started the movie.

After some point of time Nikita started commenting on movie, it's main leads and all. We also agreed with her.

Then suddenly people from our front seats told us to keep quite. Me and varsha said sorry to them.

But on one can stop Nikita, even after other people's complaint. So we both kept quiet.

Let her speak her minds thought.

Even though I was enjoying movie and my friends company. Still inside my heart there is some uneasiness.

I want to enjoy my time with my friends. So I tried to forget about the person sitting beside me.

I don't hear any voices beside me so that means their were watching the movie. So I tried to take a look.

I slowly moved my hairs behind my left ears, and turned left side casually as much as I can. When I looked at him my eyes bulged out because he is looking at me with his side eyes.

Then at the exact moment of our eye locking, Nikita shouted," Aradhana!!".

I was startled by her voice and turned to her.

She was laughing out load and saying something about the comedy scene in the movie. I don't know what she is saying as I didn't paid attention to it.

I don't know how I am going to survive this night.

But some part of mine is still curious about the couple beside me. And I know I can't judge that them being a couple maybe friends or colleagues.

I am become insecure about what if they are lovers.

But why should I care about him till now we both are no one to each other.

I resumed to watch the movie. I thought to not think about all those things atleast for now.


Karthik Pov

Today was nothing special happened, I got up early in the morning as usual. I went for jogging and work out in the gym which is nearest to our locality. And this gym is quite famous also.

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